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One Thing That Mwo Could Learn From Daoc

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#1 Thorqemada


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Posted 04 October 2021 - 04:40 PM

So, i was watching some YT Vids bcs i have no clue about the current MMORPG landscape aside that there is a great number of them and wanted to see if aynthing catches my interest (nope, did not happen).

And by that way i rembered some of the positive experiences and motivations of the past.
Like what my ideal PvP is (DAOC princip like with modern tech) and how the group exoeriences were etc.

And one thing baffles me over and over again - DAOC was the only MMO that rewarded groupplay!
And by saying rewarded i mean rewarded via increased per player rewards.

By playing in a Group you would have a bigger effort in managing xour playtime by coordinating it with a group which is offset by increased rewards per player so that after a certain amount of time playing together at each occasion the faster killing and higher success would result in a higher profit than playing alone.

I dont speak about faction loyality (but it woild probably work with that too) i speak about a daily playtime of say 2 hours and what profit you have after that 2 hours.

Solo you can start playing right away and get what you get in that 2 hours.
Searching a Group may cost you 15, 20 even 30 mins but in the 1,5hours left you make 50% more profit for example.

That is, aside of the wanted difficulty, one of the motivations why grouping in DAC was favoured.

Would that motivate players today to group and if so would it be in some way applicable to MWO?

PS: I should make it more clear, each reward became bigger per player the more players were in a DAOC group.
Its not only the higher succes but also Groupsize that increased per player rewards.

Edited by Thorqemada, 04 October 2021 - 04:47 PM.

#2 Wildstreak


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Posted 04 October 2021 - 06:02 PM

There are other games that do that.
I heard Heroes of the Storm MOBA has a more team reward system overall, I just do not play it because top-down point-n-click strategy is no good for me.

#3 Thorqemada


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Posted 04 October 2021 - 06:58 PM

That i never played...i probably looked into 50 mmorpgs and played 5 seriously and no other did that...it was more the oposite - they penalized group play by diminishing returns.

But i stopped playing MMOrpgs around 2015...

Edited by Thorqemada, 04 October 2021 - 06:59 PM.

#4 D V Devnull


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Posted 05 October 2021 - 02:50 AM

Hey, Thorqemada... Just out of curiosity, what is "DAOC" in this context? Not everyone will know – or be able to figure it out – from the acronym which you're using. :(

~D. V. "finding it impossible to understand your thread because they don't know what 'DAOC' means" Devnull

#5 Mochyn Pupur


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Posted 05 October 2021 - 07:10 AM

Everquest has a stacking bonus system to encourage groupage, been around from before DAOC existed, but I take your point. FW did have a minor enticement for working as a unit in gaining MC per planet held; didn't really benefit people as individuals, but ok for the unit.

#6 Thorqemada


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Posted 05 October 2021 - 09:18 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 05 October 2021 - 02:50 AM, said:

Hey, Thorqemada... Just out of curiosity, what is "DAOC" in this context? Not everyone will know – or be able to figure it out – from the acronym which you're using. Posted Image

~D. V. "finding it impossible to understand your thread because they don't know what 'DAOC' means" Devnull

Oh, seems i am that old...

DAOC is Dark Age Of Camelot

Which imho had the best PVP in principle with exclusive zones for PVP and PVE but also shared zones of changing allegiance in regard to the right who could farm mobs and materials, do quests, PVE, PVP in this shared zones.

The PVP Players would open the shared zones for the PVE Players so the PVE Players could craft gear that made the PVP Players more successful so both PVP and PVE Players had a motivation to recognize the wants and needs and how to adore what each side brings to the table.
That was when Darnkess Falls was introduced - later expansions screwed it all up...

It also motivates PVE Players to participate in PVP bcs the thrill in Darkness Falls was, that Characters from the other realms that had logged out there could still access it until being hunted down (you would respawn outside of the zone after being killed in that case) by the crowd that had won esclusive access to the Zone until they would lose it in PVP to one of the other 2 Realms.

So, if a PVE Player is killed he will feel a thirst for revenge and he will get it bcs when the PK is killed he can not get back to that place until his Realm won the right to access it exclusively back.

After winning access and getting into Darnkess Falls there emerged quite some PK hunts where everyone participated and the chat was full of acitivty - usually the PKs that hid there were stealth classes so it was nerve wrecking in a motivating way and promoted teamwork beyond the individual group chat.

That seems not possbile in MWO but yeah, i dont get it why Grouplay is not rewarded more instead most MMOs penalize it.
I dont speak of win/loss ratios i speak of the economic rewards, be it more XP, Quest and Monetary Rewards etc. that compensate for the higher amount that is spend to organize motrivates casual players to group up.

A problem ofc is that MWO has not really made any conveniant way to socialize outside the Matches.

Edited by Thorqemada, 05 October 2021 - 09:21 AM.

#7 Thorqemada


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Posted 05 October 2021 - 12:18 PM

I will post a nice Video from this Nerdslayer guy about DAOC.

Death of a Game: Dark Age of Camelot - YouTube

At the end it is pretty inaccurate bcs PVE crafting was a major thing in early DAOC as gear had wear and tear and could only be repaired so often, potions and arrows (Archers would need 1000s of Arrows) etc. would have the need to be crafted.

Camelot Unchained obviously never materialized but the Vid is from 2018...

And that the MMORPG Publishers still dont understand that Blizzard had succes bcs they had build up a Fanbase of Multiplayer experienced Players in the Millions prior to WOW, a Saints Fame surpassing the Pope and a trust dwarfing that of a Swiss Bank while the Internet exploded around that time - they will never get it...

Edited by Thorqemada, 05 October 2021 - 12:18 PM.

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