For quite some time now, I've had thoughts brewing in my mind of how to make the Canyon Network even more grand than it was before. Things had run through my mind about going lateral and expanding the map to twice its' width and length with all kinds of additional walkways and the like, just to make the Map less small than it is now. But these ideas never really gave that Map any honest added flavor compared to what finally came to my mind...
- A reasonably-sized and skill-forming Underwater Cavern to fight in
- Required Clearance to enable drilling a hole large enough for something a little taller than an Annihilator and/or Kodiak to have the ability of entering through, and wide enough that even a Stone Rhino (not currently in MWO now, but useful for delivering the thoughts and points) and/or King Crab could also avoid being choked off either
- Possible Angle to drill that would avoid creating unnecessary terrain glitches which could introduce added problems on the Map which would need further repairs
- Providing enough distance from all of the tunnel entrances to allow and enable digging down far enough to where the Underground Cavern would not interfere with the overhead play area
- Allowances for the Mobility of as many Mechs in the game as possible, particularly in terms of entry angle depth to these tunnels, and how to generally allow them the ability of not getting stuck trying to head either in and/or out through any of these tunnels
- The need to make sure that the Underground Cavern can be placed deep enough but made large enough that there is reasonable room for a whole bunch of Mechs to be fighting at the same time, but still have some pillars and other things down there to create both a natural feel along with various challenges for the player's Piloting & Combat Abilities in that zone
- Avoiding having to do too massive of a redesign and/or refitting on the topside surface of Canyon Network's Map beyond what is necessary to properly add the tunnel entry shaping in a natural manner
- Avoiding messing too much with the amazing work that Francois did to create the upgrades/changes to Canyon Network's design, even though collisions with it in terms of ideas was not 100% avoidable
- Avoiding messing with the current lateral Out-Of-Bounds Limits of the play area, even though that rim could be pushed back about Five Meters all around in general in order to increase helping with avoiding OOB-related Deaths from JumpJet-enabled Mechs flying a little too far during combat
- 2126.0 — 2810.8 — 196.3 (Facing SSW near B4/C5 Corner @ ~200 degrees, with 35 degree initial downward angle)
- 1727.3 — 2852.6 — 181.2 (Facing basically South on C4/B4 Border @ ~195 degrees, with 40 degree initial downward angle, opening made explicitly below the bridge underside)
- 1124.9 — 2573.2 — 188.0 (Facing basically South near C3/C2 Border @ ~175 degrees, with 40 degree initial downward angle)
- 1023.1 — 2200.2 — 182.7 (Facing ESE near D2/D3 Border @ ~110 degrees, with 40 degree initial downward angle)
- 1092.3 — 1842.4 — 185.3 (Facing NE near E2/D3 Corner @ ~45 degrees, with possibly a 45 degree initial downward angle ... This one may not fit in the grand scheme of things, but I don't know)
- 1385.0 — 1795.1 — 182.9 (Facing ESE near D3/E3 Border @ ~118 degrees, with 30 degree initial downward angle ... This one is meant to connect with the below item on the way down under, respectively taking a left turn where the connection happens)
- 1693.1 — 1631.6 — 186.7 (Facing WNW in E4's area @ ~298 degrees, with 30 degree initial downward angle ... This one is meant to connect with the above item on the way down under, respectively taking a right turn where the connection happens)
- 2016.6 — 2079.8 — 182.4 (Facing West in D4's area @ ~270 degrees, with possibly a 45 degree initial downward angle ... This one may not fit in the grand scheme of things, but I don't know)
- 1586.0 — 2141.5 — 189.6 (Approximately D4/D3 Border Zone)
So ultimately if this comes to fruition, this would be the first time that I could ever enjoy an underwater fight in my entire MechWarrior-related history. And this is also where my mind wears out after working on creating this Thread and its' Opening Post for close to Four Hours of time spent. I'm sure those of you at PGI will be fully able to work out additional details like...
- how long some of these tunnels are
- what the real entry angles for each tunnel should be
- how large the Underground Cavern itself ends up being
- what kinds of pillars the Underground Cavern will contain
~D. V. "Underwater Cavern for the Canyon Network? My mind gives part of a picture." Devnull
[After-Edit by the Post's Author for correcting some Formatting-based issues, along with creating a Voting Poll for enabling others to be heard...]
Edited by D V Devnull, 06 November 2021 - 09:45 AM.