Posted 15 February 2023 - 03:37 PM
The only rationale I've been given for people liking this map is "you can't NASCAR," which is true by way of missing the entire point. It's a terrible map, with totally lopsided play. The only people who get to play are the long-range types, and if you're on the wrong side, you get to slog up the hill your enemy starts right next to, with whoever brought the most long-range guns having the advantage. There's no interesting counter play, or variable tactics - it's just a giant game of King of the Hill, with one team starting out on the hilltop. There is a reason people hate this map - and it's the same reason no close-range build larger than 35 tons ever votes for it.
This map is interesting in concept, but it needs to be fixed - a fact widely recognized right up until the point PGI offered to fix it. This map was consistently voted up for needing a rework when PGI first started revamping maps. But as soon as they announced Alpine Peaks was the next up for a rework, people climbed out of the frakking woodwork to proclaim that, suddenly, this was the best map ever, and they all loved it. So when the rework turned into the original Polar Highlands, PGI announced that they were keeping The Abomination Alpine Peaks in the rotation and releasing Polar Highlands as a new map.
In short, this map is unfun for nearly everyone but the people voting it up. There is a reason you lost that vote with a x10 modifier, and it's a good reason. Until the map is fixed, it's an asinine exercise in gambling on who brought the most long-range firepower, and nothing else.