DAEDALOS513, on 19 August 2020 - 01:24 PM, said:
You guys shouldn't fall for the fear mongering that the media is using .. covid is not much worse than the common flu.. just keep your immune systems up by eating healthy and exercising.
I try not to gt off MWO related topics, but, well, I can't let this stand. You need to delete that post, or please Moderators do it for him, because that is some ignorant, dangerous, ******** right there. I don't know what "media" Daedalos513 is listening too, but regardless the message he has posted above is born of pure ignorance.
Between patients exhibiting multi-organ failure (
https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC7187881/) to those suffering from blood clotting (
https://www.medicaln...and-coagulation), Covid-19 has shown us that it is NOTHING like the "common flu". Do we know the long term consequences of a Covid-19 infection? Unlike with infulenza, we have no idea.
Go visit an ICU or talk to a nurse or better yet a respiratory therapist at a large hospital, and you will learn very quickly that Covid-19 is not anything like the flu for many, many patients. Here in Minnesota, my wife worked at the Fairview U of M hospital, and the ICU has been either overflowing or at full capacity since April with Covid-19 patients. People from all walks of life: children less than a year old, late 20's Iron man triathletes, people in the prime of fitness and health put on a vent for sometimes WEEKS. This isn't the "common flu" Its a god damn pandemic and telling people otherwise on a public forum might just get someone killed you ****.