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Fw Pug Etiquette

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#21 Arnetheus


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Posted 24 January 2022 - 01:43 AM

View PostFar Reach, on 23 January 2022 - 05:09 PM, said:

Do any of you really think a pug would grind up a full drop deck, skill the mechs ect.

Yes? Like the mode is supposed to be played?


To be rolled in game after game after game by merciless comp teams?

Game after game? Sounds pretty exaggerated. Especially when most of the high-end teams don't play FP at all or very rarely.
At the usual prime time, there are several matches going on at the same time. On some days, i don't get to meet any groups at all for 4-5 matches straight.


Anyone wonder why this game is no-so-slowly dying? The "pros" are so "pro" they drive away any new blood.

Why the quotation marks? Makes it harder to understand if the pros are actually pro or not, according to your narrative. If you actualy consider that to be the case, they should not be there. And if you're mocking some people for considering themselves good, then it's some weird tangent to have. How somebody worthy of being mocked can scare people away from the game?
Anyway, the bigger hurdle to newbies entry to FP is lack of clear explanations what the mode is like. There is a one-time warning info tab when they enter it for the first time, but most tend to ignore it or forget what it was about several drops in. You know, the usual new player UI experience this game has. People have to go looking for help and guides to actually understand how the mode works. That's a failure of the game design.


Your average young gamer wouldn't look at this mess for a second before dismissing it offhand.

If anything, "young gamers" would not bother with old and complicated (compared to average FPS) games like MWO in the first place. Otherwise, kids tend to have more gaming grit than adults do. They also tend to be more competetive and faster learners, naturally.

#22 Orion3025


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Posted 24 January 2022 - 08:09 AM

The PUG union will never agree to these terms... but I do like it Jeff heh!

#23 CFC Conky


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Posted 24 January 2022 - 09:30 AM

I would add another bit of etiquette, PUGs should do a little research on FP before diving in. There is a lot of information in this section of the forum and there are many YT videos as well. Get a notion of the ebb and flow of FP matches and the type of mechs used.

Don’t be surprised/disappointed if you are treated indifferently by groups and/or more experienced FP players on your team. This is an observation, not a criticism. After all, you are an unknown quantity to your team until you prove otherwise. FP is a very competitive game mode and there isn’t always time to babysit a new and/or inexperienced FP player.

Good hunting,
CFC Conky

Edited by CFC Conky, 24 January 2022 - 09:31 AM.

#24 Far Reach


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Posted 26 January 2022 - 05:21 PM

I mean what I say. What kind of peon dissects posts point-by-point, reddit-style?!?!HILARIOUS!!!!

So desperate to DeBoOnK all my hurtful, dangerous truths. Screech for me, you who knows not humility, dignity nor honor. That sunk-cost fallacy is a bugger, eh?

#25 Ignatius Audene


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Posted 27 January 2022 - 12:47 AM

So. U are angry because he answered to your arguments (without salt etc.) And used quotes so that another one stepping in can understand without reading the hole thread? I am confused.

#26 Arnetheus


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Posted 27 January 2022 - 01:27 AM

View PostFar Reach, on 26 January 2022 - 05:21 PM, said:

What kind of peon dissects posts point-by-point, reddit-style?!?!HILARIOUS!!!!

Reddit-style? Are you somewhat young and new to forums or something? Never seen a proper forum conversation before? Some prefer to adress many/all points in discussion one by one, so that others would not have a chance to go "aha, you didn't answer me on THIS one". For me it's a habit after some of the bigger threads from years ago.
I mean, i now they are rare to come by nowdays, but still.


So desperate to DeBoOnK all my hurtful, dangerous truths.

The only "truth" i see so far, is you being seemingly upset over good players being... well, good players. And somehow that is a bad thing, in a PvP game?
People were having a decent conversation in this thread until you hopped in with that weird tangent.


Screech for me, you who knows not humility, dignity nor honor.

Gee, talk about throwing rocks while living in a glass house, after that reddit remark.


That sunk-cost fallacy is a bugger, eh?

Um... what? Not sure where that one comes from. I'm a F2P-er who's playing MWO for less than 2 years.
Weird strawman attempt, mind ellaborating further?
Actually, don't. Don't want to derail this further.

#27 R0gal D0rn


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Posted 09 February 2022 - 06:32 PM

View PostHobbles v, on 08 January 2022 - 03:04 PM, said:

When I call stuff, I tend to just let the pugs know what we are doing and just let them decide if they wanna join. I find it's often better to let them do thier own thing if they seem to consciously decide to ignore our plans. They'll probably do better in their comfort zone.

However if they are at 80% hiding in the back on thier first mech while most of the team is on thier 3rd getting stuff done I'll get on thier case. It's lead to more than one execution for cowardice.

I dont care if they suck. To be a "good" pug you just need to be active. Try to get stuff done, fight with the team, take the initiative, don't stand around around waiting for the enemy or to be told what to do.

Well. Killing a friendly player is a bannable offense. An some times the player you killed in such an arrogant way did more damage than the average of the team. You are no one to kill a guy in your team. You dont know if he was afk for some home issue, if he had not the time to switch decks, or what is happening at his side.

You say that "You let the pugs decide"
Well this is not true if you kill them.

#28 stress doG


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Posted 25 February 2022 - 09:08 PM

do more damage than the group players by playing the way you want to

#29 D A T A


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Posted 27 February 2022 - 03:29 AM

why do you think a pug will read this wall of text?

#30 Attercop


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Posted 28 February 2022 - 04:39 PM

On that point about "high end teams" not playing FP much in my timezone it basically goes 2WAR belting one side or another, then DSX, then GNX. To be fair the first and last of those tend to swap to attack and then DSX tries their best to dodge them.

#31 IronWolfPack64


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Posted 01 March 2022 - 01:56 PM

View PostFar Reach, on 23 January 2022 - 05:09 PM, said:

Being truly honest with ourselves is important.
Do any of you really think a pug would grind up a full drop deck, skill the mechs ect.

To be rolled in game after game after game by merciless comp teams?
Anyone wonder why this game is no-so-slowly dying? The "pros" are so "pro" they drive away any new blood.

Your average young gamer wouldn't look at this mess for a second before dismissing it offhand. Who's to blame?

Is it the hardcore 1% of compers?
"NO, It is the zoomers who are wrong" Spat the comp teams, but their echoes carry on forever hollow.

I agree with this point. If we want faction play to ever make a comeback there is only one way to do that and that is to exterminate this elitist mindset from faction play. A lot of people want to try faction play but they get a bad experience because big bad "pro" gamers stomp their faces in. These people are the problem but only because they refuse to be the solution. We need more parity within the big bad units. If every unit was open for recruitment and willing to take on and raise tier 5-4 pilots who are willing to try and grow and learn, then faction play could thrive again. I have a dream all be it a stupid one where we have unit twelve mans dropping 12 on 12 against each other but the only way for this to be achieved is to raise the population instead of scaring everyone away. In summation I believe that we ALL have to have a hand in the future of faction play. None of us can stand idly by hoping someone else will be the one to fix it.... that someone else will bring new players to the game mode. Every single one of us needs to be contributing to the singular goal of building up the population and if you are not willing to be actively part of this solution. Then you ARE part of the problem.

A Concerned Citizen of the Inner Sphere.

#32 7Zebras


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Posted 01 March 2022 - 03:56 PM

Ok IronWolf I get your point but I think you are off-base. I am one of those guys that travels in big bad groups that get stompy on groups of unready pugs. I am not going to lower my skill to allow you to learn and "get out of tier 4-5". If you are looking for training then you need to follow the same path nearly all of us stompy players have followed. We all learned and worked at it. No one is naturally good at MWO. This isn't an RPG where you can just grind and level yourself to significance. You have to will and work for your skills.

So now you are probably asking, "how did we all do it?" I can best explain it by asking you the following:
1) Do you know what the Jarl's List is?
2) Are you familiar with Yondudes Faction Play Guide?
3) Do you use Grimmechs?
4) What MWO streamers do you regularly watch? Do they have a +90% Jarl's List rating?
5) Do you have a microphone? Please uninstall MWO if you do not.

That's where you start. Again, FP is much harder than QP. If you cannot perform relatively well in QP you are going to do much worse in FP. I promise you there are many friendly people who will help you with whatever question you have and help you improve (streamers sure will). There you go. Keys to kingdom in your hand.

#33 Nightbird


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Posted 01 March 2022 - 04:45 PM

FP is a great place for newbies to earn free mech bays...

... is the mentality that killed it.

#34 IronWolfPack64


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Posted 01 March 2022 - 09:13 PM

View Post7Zebras, on 01 March 2022 - 03:56 PM, said:

Ok IronWolf I get your point but I think you are off-base. I am one of those guys that travels in big bad groups that get stompy on groups of unready pugs. I am not going to lower my skill to allow you to learn and "get out of tier 4-5". If you are looking for training then you need to follow the same path nearly all of us stompy players have followed. We all learned and worked at it. No one is naturally good at MWO. This isn't an RPG where you can just grind and level yourself to significance. You have to will and work for your skills.

So now you are probably asking, "how did we all do it?" I can best explain it by asking you the following:
1) Do you know what the Jarl's List is?
2) Are you familiar with Yondudes Faction Play Guide?
3) Do you use Grimmechs?
4) What MWO streamers do you regularly watch? Do they have a +90% Jarl's List rating?
5) Do you have a microphone? Please uninstall MWO if you do not.

That's where you start. Again, FP is much harder than QP. If you cannot perform relatively well in QP you are going to do much worse in FP. I promise you there are many friendly people who will help you with whatever question you have and help you improve (streamers sure will). There you go. Keys to kingdom in your hand.

With all do respect not sure if trolling or actually serious. I don’t need you to lower the skill around you to “help ME get out of tier 4-5” I am the leader of a unit that does take in tier 4-5 pilots specifically to train them up at how to play faction play. I just want everyone else to get on board.

As for your questions I’m happy to answer them.
1) Yes I know about Jarls list in fact I am career in over the 95%. A fact you would have known if you had bothered to look me up instead of just blindly assuming I was bad because I’m on the side of faction play equality. Here is my profile if you want more proof.


2) Yes, I am familiar, in fact I have been playing Faction play religiously (2 6 month breaks) since 2018. 4 years in March actually.

3) Of course I know Grimm mechs, I am very well versed in the Faction play Meta and make it a point to keep up to date on all new quirk drops and how it can shift that meta.

4) I don’t have a lot of time to watch streamers. If I have time to watch people play MWO I have time to play it myself.

5) Yes I have a Microphone and even drop call And attempt to put rangle every so often.

So please next time you are trying to stunt on someone and make their opinion seems less valuable because “they are a noob” do your homework or maybe just think twice out of common decency. Noobs are the future of this game whether you acknowledge that or not once this game stops have noobs (new players) it’s dead for good and the game we love will be gone forever. Faction play is showing that right now. 95% of the “pro” players (that includes you) have shown no sign of wanting anything more than just “enjoying the ride while it lasts” when it comes to faction play and that ride won’t last much longer if more people who are “pro” players don’t step up. Make people stick around for more than just grinding a few mech bays. A feat that now a days is a true grind and barely worth it with all the MC PGI is doleing out. Faction play has a serious population problem. We are the only ones who can fix it and we can only do that if we are all in it together. So 7Zebras if you don’t want to help that’s fine, but please stay out of the way. It’s hard enough to get more people in this game mode as it is with all its road blocks. Adding more by doing what ever you think you are doing in this above post doesn’t help. If you have any real constructive comments/criticism I would love to hear it but for now I’m leaving with this. Both faction play and gate keeping cannot survive. Either we can let people in and actively help them on their way or it can die the worst kind of death, betrayed by those who loved it the most.

A Concerned and Indignant Citizen of the Inner Sphere

#35 Ignatius Audene


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Posted 02 March 2022 - 12:24 AM

Where u get your Impression, that most units dont teach new players (9/10 units just dont want special snowflakes, and that is the o ly selection)? I would recommend everyone to get a good touch for the game in qp and build an proper drop deck, but that is just because fp allows u to customize your drop deck and u will fight a lot of xp players.

That .most units are not active in recruitment is just a result of dead old game. Most units are not more than a handfull of remaining players simply playing with their old friends.

#36 LordNothing


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Posted 22 March 2022 - 03:14 PM

View PostD A T A, on 27 February 2022 - 03:29 AM, said:

why do you think a pug will read this wall of text?

because the thought of logging in is kind of meh, especially after they took 8v8 away. anyway got to do my part to appease the nekro gods.

View PostNightbird, on 01 March 2022 - 04:45 PM, said:

FP is a great place for newbies to earn free mech bays...

... is the mentality that killed it.

maybe those should have been available to everyone. seems kind of chicken and the egg to me, you need mechbays to play fp but you have to play fp to get mechbays.

Edited by LordNothing, 22 March 2022 - 03:20 PM.

#37 Duke Falcon


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Posted 24 March 2022 - 09:24 AM

FP is not for free mechbays. Only for determined ones. Most people would flee in terror well before earn one.
Now time to grind some more mechs to XP-rise. FP needs my omnimechs readily skilled!

#38 Bowelhacker


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Posted 25 March 2022 - 06:56 PM

Asking for a friend: if I was in a full DSX 12 man, should the whole group turn and flee back to our dropzone because a guy in a stalker was on a hill?

#39 Staude Coston


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Posted 26 March 2022 - 12:53 PM

View PostBowelhacker, on 25 March 2022 - 06:56 PM, said:

Asking for a friend: if I was in a full DSX 12 man, should the whole group turn and flee back to our dropzone because a guy in a stalker was on a hill?

Yes, we had a work meeting in the drop zonePosted Image

#40 LordNothing


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Posted 07 May 2022 - 12:56 PM

setup time is critical in attack. maybe that new player filter should have said that instead of discouraging them from playing.

Edited by LordNothing, 07 May 2022 - 12:57 PM.

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