Duke Falcon, on 07 March 2022 - 02:03 AM, said:
Who were that fool who implemented bolt-ons at the first place? Remove them as they are useless and make chassis-adding overcomplicated. Only the elementals are have some use the rest of bolt-ons are meh junk, right to the trasheap!
Apart from the UM2c (what may be a joke maybe not) many 2c mechs could becreated relatively easily from existing IS chassis applying only minimal changes (weapon blocks, distort parts, mixing cockpits). The same goes for new chassises: Mixing existing parts are quicker and easier than creating new models from scratch AND results a good new mech. Thug, Longbow, Devastator, Firestarter omni, Lupus are but a few examples. Or even Clints.
I understand if Cauldronified chassis-production may occur then PGI could hardly ask money for them without pay someway to the creators (royalty, for example). On the other hand, PGI could make S-variants from the "free fan-work" mechs and sell them in packs like the Platinum collections. That would be another matter. There are solutions for problems. Only intention and determination lacks seemingly completely.
the dekkles and bolt-ons seem to just be an asset pack that they bought from *game asset store*. very few of them have anything to do with the battletech universe or even make sense.
i don't like that the community has had to resort to encouraging pgi to cut even more corners in a game made almost entirely out of cut corners. its strange times we live in.
cauldron mech creations i think would work. thats like adding mod support to the game. there are those in the community who want to mod. obviously those mechs would need to be approved by pgi and balanced by the cauldron. its not without some setup cost.
a lot of people would pay for the privilege to make their own skins, deckles, and bolt ons. but then pgi has to pay somone to shuffle through them and make sure that they comply with the tos, don't infringe any copywrites, aren't used as a cheat, etc. probibly have to revamp the report system in case something slips by.
Edited by LordNothing, 07 March 2022 - 08:44 AM.