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8 Vs 8 Quickplay Weekend

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#361 Brom96


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 11:41 AM

View PostMad Mech, on 18 March 2022 - 11:31 AM, said:

- it's something different
- somewhat faster matchmaker?
- combat takes place in more varied locations than 12v12

- 1 mech death can cripple the team
- greater tonnage imbalances
- some weapons dominate more, and others become less relevant.
- fewer combat tactics available
- more lopsided 8 to 1 scores (ties back to the first point)
- faster games (not necessarily a good thing)

If 2 mechs on your team go down, the match is basically over. The chance of recovering seems less than 12v12, and coming back from the brink is one of the things that made 12v12 more interesting to play. That, combined with fewer combat strategies available, make this not fun. So I stopped playing. Even with the free MC loot bag event, it's just not worth it to play.

My impression, too.

The games I had so far, bar few first stomps, were boring as hell, even the wins. Less tactics, I cannot manuever and go for enemy snipers anymore since there's not enough people to support me. One disco mech means you lose.

I won't even go to say anythgin about the groups.

Oh, and I had a single match, out of 8, where someone used comms. Less communication then usual. No typing at all.

Edited by Brom96, 18 March 2022 - 11:47 AM.

#362 Z Paradox


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 11:54 AM

too much fun in 2h, must take 7 days off...

#363 Krizalius


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 12:01 PM

View PostPictor, on 18 March 2022 - 10:29 AM, said:

How can you save your something by ending on a word that doesn't get the point across?
You run away crying because you couldn't win a head-on argument.
You are talking about things that are not connected to what we have been talking about, but you seem have a problem somewhere.
Since you seem to have a problem, I'll tell you again and again that the conversation is over when you admit that the game is unbalanced, forgetting what you were talking about before.
That's all.
Putting time aside is too elementary Posted Image

You still haven't given a sane argument. And just go to offensive personalities, because of your helplessness.

All this is connected.
The fact that you cannot understand that this is not related is not my problem.
The game has its problems, this is an indisputable fact, they need to be fixed. Offer ideas and think about the consequences.
You are just shaking the air with your empty useless words.
Stop it. Posted Image

Edited by Krizalius, 18 March 2022 - 12:03 PM.

#364 Weeny Machine


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 12:07 PM

There is a variety of problems;
  • Less build variety - people seem to feel even more forced to play meta builds
  • Less mech variety - people seem to feel even more forced to play meta mechs
  • 4-men premade lolololol what fun...not...being rolled or roll is dull as hell
  • but to be fair even winning with no premades was somehow dull compared to 12 vs 12
  • It feels even more like an arena shooter (also because of the shorter matches)
  • The list goes on...
Speaking of less variety: I have had also matches were there was something like 4-5 assaults 2-3 heavies 1 med 1 light. Wohoooo....so fun...not

But I suppose in the end we will have 8 vs 8 anyway because some "pros" champion it.

However, discussing it is moot anyway because it boils down to: is it your cup of tea or not? I can only speak for myself: it certainly isn't. This is a horrible experience and if this goes through I will quit. On the pro side: I won't be tempted to log in this weekend hehe

Edited by Weeny Machine, 18 March 2022 - 12:29 PM.

#365 Brom96


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 12:08 PM

Dear lord, they managed to make winning games feel boring. No excitement in besting the enemy, the game is bland.

#366 1Exitar1


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 12:21 PM

Just wanted to let you know that I HATE the 8v8. I will be back when it goes back to normal.

#367 Weeny Machine


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 12:23 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 18 March 2022 - 09:04 AM, said:


I'm not the one throwing up my arms and saying I'm not playing because 8v8. If it was really about not using the product, no need to announce your departure. Certainly seems its more like clout seeking.

I'm also not the one saying "I want to group up with my friends and be able to club seals". If you don't see the entitlement in that then you'll never get it.

Hey champ, you realize that they wrote that they want feedback on the change? So, let him post that he dislikes it and would quit and don't go emo just because that dude doesn't like your shiny new toy

#368 TwilightTactician


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 12:29 PM

I think a lot of the map changes, as well as the balance changes to an extent, have made the gameplay more reliant on teamwork lately (which can be frustrating at times, since I only play solo).

I used to be against switching to 8v8 permanently, but with the current direction mwo seems to be going, I actually think this might fix some of the issues/preferences I have with the game.

8v8 might help with all of these: time required to get destroyed, ranged boating, team coordination, skill gap between players in soup que, and less restricted map pathing leading to more flanking and attack angles.

Excited to try out some 8v8 and see what I think.

#369 Verustus


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 12:31 PM

View PostKrizalius, on 18 March 2022 - 12:01 PM, said:

All this is connected.

There is a well-known name in common with people who say this word, but you are free to not believe it and spend the rest of your life without tested.
You are pinning your accountability problems on the comprehension of others.
I'll tell you again and again that the conversation is over when you admit that the game is unbalanced, forgetting what you were talking about before.
You are just shaking the air with your empty useless words.
Stop it Posted Image

Edited by Pictor, 18 March 2022 - 11:45 PM.

#370 Kalamar Sinn


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 12:35 PM

Can't express how much I dislike 8x8, but I'm gonna try in the hopes it dies a quick death, can we end it before the weekend?

#371 Bowelhacker


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 01:01 PM

View PostTWLT S, on 17 March 2022 - 02:27 PM, said:

It is a 5 days TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....

The plan is clear. MWO is being turned into Test cricket.

#372 Grizzly48


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 01:11 PM

I actually only reinstalled the game because of the change to 8v8. Because of that I cant really compare it directly with 12v12 since its been a while since I last played that mode.

The matches I had were amazing.
-when losing I have the feeling to know which decision was wrong. No deathballing and flipping the coin weather you win or loose.
- I have the feeling I can do tactical decisions - more than go with the group or get killed alone somewhere.
- Communicating and trying to get the brawlers together to cover each other is very effective and engaging.

-Fells like weapon balance isnt made for 8v8. High alpha brawling weapons feel alot stronger than DPS focused long range weapons.
- Not joining the brawl really hinders your team, since the missing armor puts your team at a huge disadvantage.

From the matches I had I really love 8v8. But I can see that it hinders alot of people that dont like the brawling playstyle.

#373 Odran


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 01:14 PM

8:8 is basically fun, but not much ballenced. And I´m not talking about 4 ppl grp.

The Mechs are wildly unballanced.

#374 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 01:51 PM

Missing 12v12 and the character of unpredicatability it provided in games already. While I can identify with the generally higher impact a pilot can have on a game in a 8v8 environment (this goes either way though!), this is not what QP should be about IMHO. Especially with a potential limit of 2men groups incoming, that would split/keep groups of friends apart.

#375 Clay Endfield


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 02:09 PM

I can see doing a 2 person group drop in a 8 vs. 8 match and having a lot of fun with a casual friend drop, but 4 person groups accounting for 50% of the team? Yeah, here's my data for you to collect: I'm not playing this weekend.

I'm not even going to try, because I already know how 4 people groups effect the game when they only account for a 1/3rd of the team. I'm not saying take our current groups out of QP (because 4 person meme drops are hysterical), but the metrics on this are so obvious. I'm not subjecting myself to the slaughter. See you all on Monday.

I can see doing a 2 person group drop in a 8 vs. 8 match and having a lot of fun with a casual friend drop, but 4 person groups accounting for 50% of the team? Yeah, here's my data for you to collect: I'm not playing this weekend.

I'm not even going to try, because I already know how 4 people groups effect the game when they only account for a 1/3rd of the team. I'm not saying take our current groups out of QP (because 4 person meme drops are hysterical), but the metrics on this are so obvious. I'm not subjecting myself to the slaughter. See you all on Monday.

#376 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 02:15 PM

View PostWeeny Machine, on 18 March 2022 - 12:23 PM, said:

Hey champ, you realize that they wrote that they want feedback on the change? So, let him post that he dislikes it and would quit and don't go emo just because that dude doesn't like your shiny new toy

Why are you assuming I like 8v8? I can see the benefits but I can also see the negatives of it. I also never asked for it. ???

The ONLY people going emo are the ones saying they quit until its gone. That isn't feedback, it's just a tantrum. Posted Image

#377 Dousk


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 02:19 PM

How about testing something crazier in the future:

16 vs 16 player deathmatch free for all mode? (only light mechs allowed lol)
12 vs 12 player playzone-like mode? (like in pubg, circle starts to shrink so everybody is forced to move to the center by the end)
12 vs 12 quick play using a modified faction play mode where each player choses 2 mechs? (with weight limit)
8 vs 8 on solaris size maps? (only assaults allowed) why not lol
12 vs 12 modified mode? instead of choosing a mech you choose the tonnage (for example 70tons) and after the map vote is done you get 1 minute to pick any 70ton mech loadout you prefer for that map

anyway.. 8 vs 8 is meh, i think its too short and there are a lot of weight balance issues right now..
although i like the aspect of each player having more importance in the outcome of the match i still prefer the chaos of 12 vs 12 matches, i would even prefer 16 vs 16 lol

but if the idea is to lower the amount of players per match maybe let us bring 2 mechs each and respawn just like in faction play?
it would make the 8 vs 8 matches more interesting and last a bit longer i think... or no, who knows..
im bored

#378 All Your Bases


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 02:20 PM

Not going to sort through 20 pages worth of comments. I'll keep this brief, my matches were largely the same with a bit more planning and coordination. I like the 8v8 but prefer 12v12. I'd like the option to pick between 8v8 and 12v12 in the future or even less or more (6v6, 16v16 etc.). It would be cool to have some variety, keep up the good work.

#379 HGAK47


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 02:56 PM

So ive had a few matches now and this is early feedback, im not sold on the 8v8 idea. Its different from the 12v12. Its honestly nothing like the 8v8 of old but it really couldnt ever be so after how much has changed since the early days. There is still fun to be had definitely, im not hating 8v8 but im pretty meh about it.

Still I will play some more and adapt, maybe try some different mechs.

P.S I would love to try even larger battles, 16v16! Or maybe even smaller battles like 6v6 or perhaps even a free for all brawl. I really hope an event queue thing can give us this sort of variety on odd weekends and stuff. (Perhaps even a week event for those of us that have to work or have family commitments on a weekend)

#380 RtheD


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 03:02 PM

I'm new on MWO, less than 1000 drops. But, if my little opinion count - vote - 12*12 better.
8*8 needs heavy self team-help management or team leader present (and hard work in game),, what rarely happens.
For me 12*12 wait time on match-making less and less price than hardworking on 8*8 play throw.

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