For clarification I am a bad player, everyone has their own opinion and that's cool and this applies to quickplay only and I have only played quickplay since I returned to the game.
1. Remove team damage - what does this add to the game? It punishes genuine mistakes which often are not even the firing players fault who is then penalised, it can also increase toxicity even though it was totally accidental. I do not believe their is an issue with team damage abuse. With weapons like PPCs wide round and volley fired weapons and the width of some mechs it just makes me think that team damage is not needed in this game in quickplay.
For example team damage was removed from World of Tanks (not saying this is the best game in the world) after realising there were more negatives than positives to having it in game.
2. Map vote to be removed from quickplay. There are so many other maps in the game which I rarely get to see or play and I think even if the "bad maps" are improved people will still vote for what they know. Sometimes you get a map you don't like but without map vote at least you know you won't get it 3 times in a row. Also if all maps were equal why would anyone vote for hot maps as it just impacts mech performance. Removing map vote from quickplay would also speed up the time to get in game. Yes I still think there should be a game mode vote but that could be on the ready up screen and chosen once the map is known.
Map vote can also be skewed by having groups if a 4 man group all set for Sniper/LRM for example they can skew the vote in their favour further increasing their already considerable ability to influence a match.
3. Groups in quickplay ideally removed or reduced to 2. I fully get that people want to play with their mates but having a third of a team be in a coordinated group is oppressive. I think that pre-mades should make up no more than 20% of a random pick up team without having excessive influence. I get the player base is not massive so having a queue just for groups is a problem maybe faction play is or prearranged comp matches is where it should live?
Just to be clear I am not saying the team with the 4 man pre-made always wins but often groups are made with people of similar player ability so good players in a group with good players and they we have a huge influence on a match and more often than not stomp the other team.
4. Override engaged warning to be much smaller and elsewhere on the hud it currently is a bit immersion breaking where it is as it is on from the moment you drop in until the end of the match either that or change so you cant activate it until you reach 80% heat or something.
5. Remove PSR tiers from matchmaker calculation and make cadets a tier of their own e.g. tier 6 and they can't meet tier 1&2.
Holy Batman a great big wall of text, these are just some quickplay suggestions for some chilled discussion from a returning player after playing 1000+ games.
1. Remove team damage
2. Remove map vote (not game mode)
3. Remove or reduce groups in quickplay to 2
4 Ovrride engaged warning smaller in the hud or operate differently
5. Remove PSR tier from MM cadets become tier 6 and can't meet tier 1&2
Thanks for your time and discussion in advance.
Edited by Athariel, 14 June 2022 - 01:55 AM.