Future DLC suggestion Artillery support
Ammo pack
Main function: Adding artillery weapons and ammo swapping. Artillery weapons have splash and can hit multiple parts on a mech or multiple mechs depends on the weapon.
**new weapons,**
Mech mortars (Lost tech before 3045, ballistic slot direct fire closer then 450, indirect fire upto 1500.)
Arrow IV missile (artillery slot, requires a mech with artillery slot uses missile skill)
Mech artillery (artillery slot, ballistic, comes in sniper, thumper, and long tom, all have normal and stub between 1000, and 3000 range on normal and 1/3rd range on stub.)
Ammo types
Using the ordnance types list, each weapon can have 2 loaded types using the arrow and alt keys to swap them on the weapon list.
For this Inferno SRMs and cluster LBX will be swapped rom weapon to ammo.
ammo type examples, Mortar used.
Mortar ammo: damage 4 blast 6m (just enough to splash a single mech)
inferno: damage 2 blast 4m heat 10
Flash: damage 1 blinds mech for a few seconds doesn't stack, as a 20 second cooldown between blinding.
FASCAM: unique to artillery weapons, places IFF mines in the area that detonate if hostiles walk over them, these are anti mech and do one damage per mine. Mortar places 4 mines per shell.
Anti vehicle: does 2.5x damage to vehicles
Airburst: detonates on near misses
other ammo type example
Haywire: Causes a forced shutdown only 4 rounds per ton
Sticky bomb: sticks a remote explosive to the location, detonated by a detonation key.
Orbital PPC strike: 1 round per ton, calls in an orbital PPC strike only works in allied space. (Is a quest reward)
Arrow IV targeting: calls in Arrow IV artillery requires artillery charges from boss is a lock on.