For more specific feedback:
-at least 2x a month would be great. This leaves room for the regular free mech events and seasonal stuff
-rotate the queue types every 2-3 hours, but repeat the same cycle each day. This way people can choose when to take breaks and to plan their schedule around catching their favorite queues.
-alternate days or weekends between stuff like this Solaris theme, stuff like the earlier wacky modifiers (extreme dissipation, armor, speed, etc), smaller and bigger mechs, etc
-if you run urbie derby, only do it in one or two hour intervals between the other stuff. that way people who hate urbie derby or get sick of it easily can go eat or something instead, but still have a reason to come back to event queue later that day.
-run through APAC evening on Mondays. Gives NA all of their evening, and allows APAC to make up for all the time they miss out on at the start.
-for 2v2 solaris events let people drop into queue solo and get paired with randoms
Edited by mytilus edulis, 07 September 2022 - 02:52 PM.