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Igors Lab - How Nvidias 4-Way Adapter Works

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#1 Thorqemada


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Posted 13 October 2022 - 07:57 PM

"Who doesn’t know it, the funny adapter from NVIDIA, with which you can merge four PCIe 6+2 pin cables to be able to run graphics cards with up to 600 watts? If you only connect three plugs, you’ll only get 450 watts and with two plugs, the PC won’t start at all with a bit of bad luck. It also doesn’t matter which of the four ports you leave free. However, it was exactly this circumstance that aroused my curiosity, because there were definitely problems in the interaction of the “smart” adapter and the firmware of some on-board partner cards that should not have occurred like this."

Attention please:
This is only true for this specific Adapter - different Manufacturers may use different solutions for this (i.e. Corsair etc.)!

Video - german:
Myth Busted: So funktioniert NVIDIAs Adapter für die GeForce RTX 4090 wirklich! Viel Aufwand für nix - YouTube

Text - english:
Myth Busted: This is how NVIDIA’s 4-way adapter for the 12VHPWR port of the GeForce RTX 4090 really works! | igor'sLAB (igorslab.de)

Edited by Thorqemada, 13 October 2022 - 07:57 PM.

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