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My Mwo2 Vision

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#1 NCryptid


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Posted 17 January 2023 - 09:25 PM

This post is in response to Daeron's question on the recent Devlog video; "What would you like to see in the next Mechwarrior PVP game?"

My vision for Mechwarrior Online 2 blends the best elements of Mechwarrior Online with new social aspects and allows for greater player agency and expression while also remaining mindful of the niche position of the franchise.

Upon first-time login to MWO2, a player will be met with a Character Creation screen, allowing for deep character customization. Character customization includes a reasonable set of basic hairstyles, clothing, and accessories provided to all players, but also includes a cash shop for premium cosmetic items. When creating a character, the player will also select their character’s Bloodline and House/Clan Allegiance, which both come with passive traits to boost certain stats. For the first time, players can really inhabit their characters.

The player enters the world at the Hiring Hall of their chosen House/Clan. The Hiring Hall is a Social Space. Social Spaces are hubs that allow the player to move about these unique spaces with their avatar. You can think of Social Spaces as chat channels with avatars in a 3D environment. Each House/Clan will operate a Mercenary Hiring Hall Social Space. Player characters can “travel” to other Hiring Halls to interact with their friends and Units. All Social Spaces will have a local chat channel and will be connected to a “world” HPG chat channel.

Units can also purchase Offices & Barracks from the cash shop. Offices and Barracks operate like normal Social Spaces, but can be restricted to only allow Unit Members and Whitelisted friends to enter them. The size and quality of these spaces can vary greatly. Unit Commanders can purchase cosmetic items for their spaces to make them unique. Your Office could be tiny and efficient, or large enough to include Mechbays and workshop space.

Players will pick up Missions from NPCs in Social Spaces. Missions can include battles against NPC opponents on procedurally-generated maps, or PVP matches on purpose-designed maps.
  • Missions targeting NPCs will earn the player C-Bills, Salvage, and Faction Reputation.
  • All current Mechwarrior 5 mission types could conceivably be ported into this mode.
  • Optional PVP missions are goals for the player to achieve in PVP over a specified period of time. These include missions like Headhunting, Sharpshooting, Salvaging, and Supporting.
  • In addition to C-Bills and Salvage, PVP participation will earn a new currency called Fame. Fame will unlock cosmetic items, MC, and rare Mech equipment. This is your Battlepass.
  • PVP modes include all current MWO modes, but introduces Scouting and Interdiction modes.
Players will access the Mechlab either by travelling to the Mechlab near a Hiring Hall, or from the main menu. The Mechlab retains the complexity from Mechwarrior Online. Weapons, Equipment and timeline are yet to be defined. Mechs no longer have any sort of skill tree. All Mech bonuses are derived from Player Stats and Mech Equipment.

Combat is in-Mech only. Players cannot exit their Mechs on the Battlefield, except for Ejection, which removes them from the match. (Spectating)
Players can launch into PVE or PVP missions from any Social Space.

Players can create Private Lobbies and select from the list of available maps. All game modes are available, but earn no rewards.
Private lobbies will allow spectators, and will also allow players to wager C-Bills on the outcomes.

Mechwarrior Online 2 will deliver an engaging Social experience as well as hardcore Mech combat. The possibilities for monetization (and therefore longevity) are vast.

Edited by BLANKA, 17 January 2023 - 10:02 PM.

#2 sycocys


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Posted 18 January 2023 - 06:02 AM

I think they could just integrate the MW5 titles into a single launcher and a reasonable chat lobby, personally don't care about an avatar for the pilot or pilot "skills". All the skill tree system has ever accomplished is to create an additional layer of imbalance for the game, if players are desperate for having it, make them use crit slots (step further than MW5) or make it zero-sum like it should have been from the start.

Integrating the other titles for the purpose of transferring c-bills or unique patterns - or weapons, since they should be able to more or less integrate everything, would be a strong selling point and a way to make the coop usable for more people. There is really no logical reason to make all the games separate from each other when you have a small community to start out with.

#3 feeWAIVER


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Posted 18 January 2023 - 06:23 AM

Having an avatar can go a long way in player immersion and emotional connection to the game.

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