I was not aware of it until i accidentally read a forum post elswhere but it seems the EVO 870 may have an issue and mine may have it aswell - drive corruption and unrecoverable errors:
Samsung 870 Evo Dies, Major Issue 2TB & 4TB To Be Aware Of, Be Careful People!! - YouTube

When You Can Not Even Trust A Samsung Ssd...evo 870 Issues.
Started by Thorqemada, Jan 25 2023 06:29 AM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 25 January 2023 - 06:29 AM
Posted 25 January 2023 - 06:36 AM
Posted 08 February 2023 - 12:57 AM
My 860 evo are doing fine so far along with my 970 evo plus and they get constant writes. Hopefully this is a bad batch type of failure and not endemic as I have a lot of data stored on them that isn't easily backed up.
Posted 08 February 2023 - 05:36 AM
Bad thing about ssds, when they toast there's little opportunity for recovery.
Posted 08 February 2023 - 03:51 PM
Thats why I have a nas array with seagate nas hdd to drop critical data backups on though thankfully the most critical data fits on a few thumb drives. Yeah they won't last as long as a quality ssd over time with everyday use(provided you don't get a bad unit as samsung is showing) but as a static storage medium that powers down when not in use they can last for decades. I still have old seagate scsi drives from the 90's in a drawer that will spin up and work though sometimes you might have to gently shake them to loosen up the drive as they get stiff with age and use.
Posted 09 February 2023 - 09:32 AM
I have no critical data to store but my game files from gog so i decided to use an external HD via USB.
It was also cheaper be a huge amount than an equal SSD but for sure its quite a bit slower.
So far the latest firmware update i got recently for my EVO 870 seem to have stopped the errors so far.
It was also cheaper be a huge amount than an equal SSD but for sure its quite a bit slower.
So far the latest firmware update i got recently for my EVO 870 seem to have stopped the errors so far.
Posted 09 February 2023 - 03:36 PM
Follow Up:
Samsung SSDs Dying! 980 Pro, 990, 970 EVO PLUS, PM9A1 Fails - Everything We Know So Far!
Samsung SSDs Dying! 980 Pro, 990, 970 EVO PLUS, PM9A1 Fails - Everything We Know So Far!
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