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Conan Exiles - The Niche Game With A Steady Grow

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#1 Thorqemada


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Posted 17 February 2023 - 06:29 PM

You can nurture a game with steady content additions and improvements to a steady grow - look at Conan Exiles:
Conan Exiles - Steam Charts

As former Age of Conan Player (the last MMOrpg i played serious) i pondered recently in memories and thought i would look how Age of Conan fares and it does absolutely negatively terrible.
Probably right so bcs it was missing many things in the beginning, got unwanted content and development and in the end failed to have a grip at any player.

On the contrary Conan Exiles is steadily growing i was amazed to see as it started to little fanfare afair and went under my radar for a long time.
Now i had played ARK a while but never got into its clumsy controls and gameplay but out of curiosity i looked at Conan Exiles and to my utter disbelief you can get the whole game with all expansions for less than 40 Bucks at MMOGA.

Conan Exiles is not only a survival pvp mmo it has also quite a lot of mods and a rather interesting gameplay with base building and, aahhh, the way you hire your NPC workforce and milicia that helps ypu building and defending your base with an endgame where your group/guild summons abnormus titanic Gods to attack your enemies and level their grounds.

It seems the game has grown quite well over all and the steadily increasing player numbers mirror this.

For those who want to take a look at it there is a rather new video guide series:
Conan Exiles - Beginner's Guide 2022 - Part 1: Getting Started - YouTube

To me it looks like one of the more interesting long term mmo options these days.
I bett if Age of Conan had had this gameplay back then on the secluded crafting areas it would have still a million players today - so sad Funcom missed the ship with it!

But yeah - Conan Exiles is realy worth the price over at MMOGA.

PS: Nope - i am not affiliated.

Edited by Thorqemada, 17 February 2023 - 06:30 PM.

#2 Meep Meep


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Posted 18 February 2023 - 02:17 AM

Been playing exiles since launch. Best pvp barbarian survival sandbox out there. I typically run on the full pvp servers and build up a bow character with high endurance and just annoy the ever loving crap out of players or kill all their npc.



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Posted 18 February 2023 - 06:06 AM

I don't even look at his face when there is God of War :)

It may not be pve. But I don't like style.

#4 Meep Meep


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Posted 20 February 2023 - 09:10 PM

God of War aka the dad simulator is pretty fun but its totally linear and scripted. Exiles is one of the most open sandbox games around where you really do make your own story. Its a hidden gem for sure and glad its gaining popularity.



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Posted 21 February 2023 - 01:45 AM

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It is not my intention to criticize. but tell me what you see when you look at 2 pictures?

I'll tell you what I saw. a visual feast.

#6 Meep Meep


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Posted 21 February 2023 - 01:50 AM

The starter area is an arid wasteland? The terrain becomes lush and forested or a thick jungle in many inland areas. Probably not as lush as a AAA game with an almost unlimited budget but it looks great at max settings 4k.



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Posted 21 February 2023 - 02:04 AM

Some games I follow.

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Posted 21 February 2023 - 02:13 AM

city simulations interest me these days tech build

#9 Meep Meep


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Posted 22 February 2023 - 09:20 PM

Farthest Frontier is a fun town builder thats set in the middle ages so no robots or laser pewpew but it does have hack and slash combat. Its super fun and one of the few that does the farming in detail down to crop rotations to keep down on disease along with modifying the soil with sand or clay to optimize it for particular crops and a large selection of crops to choose from. Super detailed economy and in a way its kinda like a survival town builder since it also takes into consideration food spoilage and proper nutritional intake for the townsfolk so they stay healthy. It's early access so there is still some optimization work to do for performance in the later stages of the game when your town grows large but they are working on it and have made much progress since the EA launched.

Better to watch it for an explanation. Fast forward to 7:35.

Ok its been a while since I booted up exiles and this thread motivated me to give her a go again after not playing for about half a year.

Found an established populated pvp server with no mods and an x3 xp multi and hit the jackpot right away. People get lazy on these long term servers and they will often find a nook high up the side of a cliff or some other structure to log off instead of trucking it all the way back home to a safe spot. So if you take some time and run around looking for these places you can sometimes find a logged off high level player with lots of good loot on them. Welp cha ching! This guy is gonna be big mad when he logs back on.

Crafted armor set with nice bonus quirks.

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Some legendary loot including a bow(thats the real prize here since I'm doing a bow run) so I can kill anything along with a skinning knife and pickax so I can skin anything and mine anything. Thats just jump up and down awesome and now I'm super paranoid and looking for a place to stash it before I eventually get caught. Plus a bunch of nice high end stuff like a long sword and great ax and scythe.

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Now to find a nice place to set up shop and plan my server domination. Posted Image

#10 Meep Meep


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Posted 23 February 2023 - 05:55 PM

Alright level 60 achieved and perks fully selected. Time to get down to it.

Much like in this game I prefer stealth and to strike from the shadows.

Can you find my base? Posted Image

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Yeah neither can anyone else.

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The trick is to find a location near the action and core resources but in a place that is hidden from plain sight even if someone in a fit of random exploration might pass by. Been using this spot for a very long time and its basically its own little biome stuck on top of some hills that normally are flat and have nothing of interest on top.

But this little nook is well hidden and has all the basic stuff to keep you going as you go out on raids to see what loot you can pick up. No need for a huge building either as you simply toss out the structure you need to make what you need then disassemble it and put it back in storage.

Now add in multiple locations like this all over the map and you can be a complete demon especially if you have the dedication to grind out an avatar. Summoning Yog as a solo player can be a bit of a daunting task but picking a fight with a big clan with high tier incredibly labor and material intensive buildings and high tier npc and wiping it all out in a few minutes can be rather satisfying. Wouldn't be the first time I was kicked off a player server for it either. Posted Image


Edited by Meep Meep, 23 February 2023 - 06:04 PM.

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