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Match Maker, Could You Add Gold Stars?

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#41 Scout Derek


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 06:31 PM

View Postthe check engine light, on 15 March 2023 - 06:01 PM, said:

"Built by X" seems to imply authorship and possibly a vetting process for the submitted build.

It implies which account made the build and shared it, that's it.


Have this for example, logged into MechDB with an account, made a build, shared the build, and it puts the account's name on it. Now if what he says on the discord for Grimmechs says elsewise, then by all means go ham on that, but getting upset because someone's account name is on the shared build seems like a waste of time to me. I recommend visiting the discord to really see who came up with what, mechDB is just a byproduct of what we use on the website to list builds as it's the easiest and fastest way to get people from point A to point B.

Keep in mind that making builds in mechDB can also save any recent builds made while logged in and will remain for a time before being removed/reset, making it easier for people to access, share, and modify already saved builds they may have on the website while logged in.

#42 EmbarRassing


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 06:36 PM

I hope nobody tells him that I'm the one who personally reviews and approves the authors on the builds on mechDB, or that we've all been poaching his builds for years and were hoping he would never find out.

#43 pbiggz


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 06:42 PM

View Postthe check engine light, on 15 March 2023 - 03:17 PM, said:

What have you to show for data points? There are plenty of other anecdotal examples given by other players of lopsided matchmaking. The only thing you have done so far is blithely dismiss any consternation about the state of MM. I am not and will not be content to accept either my wins or losses as things that should be granted arbitrarily.

Cool so you're just here to flame.

#44 Shineplasma


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 07:37 PM

View Postthe check engine light, on 15 March 2023 - 07:19 PM, said:

And you're just here to demand incuriosity and stir the pot, by the same token.

What's the sarcasm supposed to accomplish as an icebreaker, exactly?

Dude. If this is the player formerly known as "ding toast is ready" you are so far out of line it isn't even funny.

Heavy is a really nice guy and spent a lot of time trying to help you with problems you experienced during your time hanging out. In return, you fed the lot of us passive-aggression and abrasive BS every time something was pointed out to you that you disagreed with - and for literally no reason.

Nobody was mean to you. Nobody was an *******. Nobody made fun of you. You were literally just a pill.

Meanwhile, despite the best efforts of him, myself and several other folks you are still stuck at the stage where you can't even comprehend how much you don't understand. The builds you're complaining about are perfectly serviceable for QP and any decent player could avg 400+ dmg in them easily.

Nobody cares/jerks themselves off about who submits what builds to Grimmechs. Folks just want the info out there for all to see.

Pwner is a top tier mechbuilder and has built so many theoretical variants that his MechDB account literally can't support saving any more to his Dropship.

Heavy is a better theorycrafter than me to this day.

You're being incredibly disrespectful to some of the nicest people in the community and really need to check yourself. Folks who only tried to help you. This shows an utter lack of class.

Take your salt to some other community. You're toxic and nobody needs you here.

#45 Heavy Money


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 07:38 PM

View Postthe check engine light, on 15 March 2023 - 02:55 PM, said:

I'm saying the allegation that my loadouts were holding me back somehow is fallacious. The population issue is at least partially caused by the MM and walking back any plan to give it serious scrutiny and tweaks is not going to improve that. PGI's recalcitrance does not bode well and I'm not sure how anyone doesn't find the whole "we'll just dangle something else shiny in front of you until you forget about that for a bit" approach profoundly insulting. In a game about winning or losing, those things better mean something besides "RNGesus loves/hates you today". Stripping players of any sense of agency is a swift ticket to burnout.

Cubeupload is having issues but most if not all of those links should be functional. The embeds work fine.

Okay, the images are fixed now. I'm glad to see that you were getting good results with those loadouts I guess? A lot was holding you back at the time. You seem to be doing much better now, which is good.

Nobody likes it when they end up against a top team multiple times in a row. But the reason that happens is primarily because of population, not because there's some secret thing that PGI just refuses to do. You keep acting like there's some conspiracy and that if you spend enough time being mad at the rest of us that somehow it'll get fixed. It basically can't be fixed, and everyone has known that for years. Now you're coming in and making a big stink and then getting mad at people who are just informing you of the state of things.

#46 sycocys


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 07:40 PM

View Postthe check engine light, on 15 March 2023 - 06:01 PM, said:

I definitely noticed when comp tiers were loaded on one side (see: GeeRam+Bonson streak) and rolls were way more prevalent then. Additional top end granularity alone seems like it would be a good start - even if they match down to lower tiers MM then sees them as something besides "another T1" and can take them into account better as it forms lobbies.

The rolls at lower tiers, unsure. Since I didn't start taking snapshots until T2 I don't have anything to pick at there, though I wonder if it has anything to do with who a lobby is initially formed around.

I don't screen shot or manually bother tracking any of it. I do think there should be at least a couple more tier levels to help keep the highest skilled/xp'd players playing against the highest, even if the MM opens up faster it would help to balance teams out a little more.
But the problem we'll see with matching top guys against other top guys more consistently is that they will alt-smurf even more that some of them already do to avoid playing against other similar competition.

For lower tier matches, I suspect the rolls have a bit of something to do with it being geared towards trying to affect as close to a 1.0 w/l as it can across the board -may also be a similar issue at higher tiers and why you end up with a portion of lopsided matches, someone on one seeded team has a high win rate kind of thing. We'll probably never actually know unless they release some information on how it works to more than just the cauldron folks.

#47 EmbarRassing


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 09:10 PM

View PostShineplasma, on 15 March 2023 - 07:37 PM, said:

Nobody cares/jerks themselves off about who submits what builds to Grimmechs. Folks just want the info out there for all to see.

Speak for yourself. I have callouses on both hands.

#48 EmbarRassing


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 11:01 PM

You caught on. I was wondering when that would happen. It's all good bud. Just making light of a situation that didn't deserve to be taken heavily. Now come rub lotion on my hands before the blisters pop.

#49 pbiggz


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Posted 16 March 2023 - 04:36 AM

View Postthe check engine light, on 15 March 2023 - 07:19 PM, said:

And you're just here to demand incuriosity and stir the pot, by the same token.

What's the sarcasm supposed to accomplish as an icebreaker, exactly?

You've had reality explained to you multiple times. The matchmaker doesn't have a quick silver bullet fix, and the problems you've spent so much time to scream about actually major problems that would be addressed by any proposed fixes. This is a competitive game. For you to win someone else has to lose, and for someone else to win, you might have to lose. That is a reality most people who scream about the matchmaker don't seem to want to face.

You've chosen instead to continue to trade insults with anyone and everyone who has the temerity to ask why you're being such an *******, and why you continue to suggest there are quick and easy solutions to very complex challenges. Why should anyone take you seriously?

#50 YouKnowNothing


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Posted 16 March 2023 - 08:45 AM

View Postthe check engine light, on 15 March 2023 - 08:05 PM, said:

I distinctly remember someone having a chuckle over me getting frustrated with the game there. Though I don't think it was Heavy, actually. I don't understand why that would be funny to anyone.

Come on, it is at least a little bit funny witnessing someone malding over a match or 10. Right? It's isn't just me that is amused by it, right? It's practically half the reason I watch streamers play this game... They definitely need to find better viewers.

Edited by YouKnowNothing, 16 March 2023 - 08:48 AM.

#51 Tarogato


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Posted 16 March 2023 - 12:36 PM

View Postthe check engine light, on 10 March 2023 - 09:05 PM, said:

He posted the 5 SNPPC to Grimmechs with his name on it. I hadn't seen a WHM-4L used more than ONCE before I decided to try and do something with it, the builds listed before then didn't even take into account the PPC HSL quirk, that's how ignored it was. The most he did was shave legs and head to add another DHS which I was already considering.

That was not his idea. Him pretending it is disgusts me. The LPPC-2UAC5 ENF5P build also mysteriously showed up on the build list after I ran it while in your Discord, with Tarogato credited. Again, the 5P had been practically ******* ignored.

I wouldn't even care if it were just posted sans credit. You ******* took a brief moment of discovery from someone and used it for cheap ******* Internet points. I didn't even realize the 4L had been posted there until I saw someone else I HAD NEVER SEEN BEFORE running the 5 SNPPC build and got curious enough to look.

Fwiw, here's the context those builds first appeared on grimmechs server:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Yes we'll often take builds we see elsewhere and add them to the site.
This often involves modifying them slightly where we see worthwhile changes to be made.

MechDB credits whoever generated the code.
Grimmechs additionally logs whoever added it Grimmechs.

We aren't trying to steal credit from anybody. Our goal is just putting up decent builds for people to see and the systems on these respective sites track who did the things.

Don't be ridiculous, and I have no idea why you brought this up in a matchmaker thread, but I wanted to clear things up. Posted Image

#52 Tarogato


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Posted 16 March 2023 - 12:54 PM

View Postthe check engine light, on 16 March 2023 - 12:47 PM, said:


Why did it not get posted until Dec?

cuz I forgot about it. I do that a lot.

Point is, it's not a special or unique build that only you thought of. It's been around.

#53 Magrowl


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Posted 16 March 2023 - 03:39 PM

Disgusting that this guy here is trying to claim credit and ownership for this build. Pwner didn’t steal this from you at all, he’s clearly stolen it from me.

#54 Heavy Money


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Posted 16 March 2023 - 03:44 PM

View PostMagrowl, on 16 March 2023 - 03:39 PM, said:

Disgusting that this guy here is trying to claim credit and ownership for this build. Pwner didn’t steal this from you at all, he’s clearly stolen it from me.

No no everybody knows that we all stole it from GeeRam Posted Image Posted Image

#55 The Brewer


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Posted 16 March 2023 - 04:01 PM

Yeah, you got me. I stole a bunch of builds for the STK from Jay Z too. Actually, probably all of them, since he’s got ~260 of the things he’s probably built every possible permutation already…

In all seriousness though, this community revolves more around helping each other out and sharing information than “credit,” and the game is old and has players that have been around since the beginning - there’s nothing new under the Sun, really. Sure, there’s salt and people with differences in here but of all the game communities I’ve been a part of this has been one of the best… from the bottom, to the top. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time right now Toast.

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