The bugged version of Tourmaline Desert was AWESOME!!!
- No annoying stuff your mech can get stuck at, like wreckages and all the other stuff half pinned into the ground or hills!
- No annoying tops/sticking out points of tourmalines right in front of you when you spawn and many mechs can't climb over!
- No invisible walls you can't shoot through!
Also mostly caused by the same tourmaline tops/sticking our points!
Having that map as a new map would be just PERFECT!

Other stuff that is really annoying :
- The edge or curb that seperates the center building from the water on River City what is called the citadel I believe ?
Most mechs can't even climb over it just like the rocks nearby!
- At some other places there are similar small curb like points sticking out in the ground that only just slow your mech down for no reason at all...
- Maps like Crimson Strait and The Mining Collective have small but high square poles that are just there to be annoying and block your mech in various situations : Nothing else than that!
- Vitric Station is a GREAT MAP but the space between some of the slopes/ramps and the wall next to them barely gives your mech enough room to get on top of them when reversing and getting on them sideways!
- While we are on the matter of mech size vs. space on the map : Solaris City is just HORRIBLE at some places where most Assault and Heavy mechs barely fit through the space between two buildings or the building and the ramp next to it!
Is there ANY CHANCE these issues might get looked at and fixed in the future ?!
Please ?!
Pretty PLEASE ?!?!