D V Devnull, on 16 June 2023 - 05:28 AM, said:
We need a lot more than that to drive gameplay and sales right now. They missed the Cicada from the list of May's Mech Changes and ran the entire bundle of sales from the "All-Out-War Faction Play Weekend" for far too short a time. Perhaps they could fix it by having ALL the items from that sales run – plus the I.S. Lights too – added onto this Event's sales set, and then run the sales for a bit longer... like fourteen (14) days in total. Only giving six (6) days will NOT give that many people enough time to think about things and choose wisely, and they really could do better by avoiding limiting the Sale to the Event's run. Maybe my mind is overthinking it, but the recent state of most sale runs is feeling a little backhanded to me. 
~D. V. "a little cranky over short sales which people do NOT get enough time to properly take in" Devnull
[Edit by the Post's Author because of an IRL distraction making them forget to put a Link in the post where it was meant to be!]

~D. V. "a little cranky over short sales which people do NOT get enough time to properly take in" Devnull
[Edit by the Post's Author because of an IRL distraction making them forget to put a Link in the post where it was meant to be!]
You still have to appreciate what they have been doing to keep the community engaged and the events that definitely bring some players back into the game. I check the steam charts regularly for the game and during at least 75% of the event times there is way more player activity than before.
I see alot of people asking about the free mech this month too... PGI doesn't have to give us a free mech, it's a great little challenge though, and helps to keep us engaged. It's almost like an achievement. Same thing with the events, and then we have the grab bag which will run for something like 2 months as well which can be a little tedious but free stuff is free stuff.
Would be cool to see PGI do a full on months achievements event or something like that instead of just weekends though, that much is for sure.