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2 New Legends Scaleshot And War Emu

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#21 martian


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Posted 23 August 2023 - 04:50 AM

View PostMustard Cream, on 23 August 2023 - 04:30 AM, said:

Sorry for my poor English (not my native language)
thank you seniorPosted Image

I think so
It's a matter of quality, not quantity

Do not worry. Quickdraw got its Legendary 'Mech a few weeks ago and I am sure that other Inner Sphere heavies will follow.

How would you imagine your Legendary Catapult?

#22 Mustard Cream


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Posted 23 August 2023 - 05:40 AM

View Postmartian, on 23 August 2023 - 04:50 AM, said:

Do not worry. Quickdraw got its Legendary 'Mech a few weeks ago and I am sure that other Inner Sphere heavies will follow.

How would you imagine your Legendary Catapult?

If I can just imagine...
It would be interesting if the fuselage could be equipped with an ECM, or a machine gun or laser could be installed instead of the CPLT-J's AMS.

#23 An6ryMan69


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Posted 23 August 2023 - 08:15 AM

Frost_Byte's comments on actual use are appreciated.

I really like most of the War Emu on the whole, but it still needs some outlier quirks, even if they are quite specific.

Throw in a AC5 10% cooldown and AC5 HSL+2 even, and then that would be at least some token outlier quirks.

Anecdotally, I am seeing very few of them around, in T3 matches at least, which is odd for a new Legendary. The Viper I have seen around about 4x as often.

Edited by An6ryMan69, 23 August 2023 - 08:16 AM.

#24 Gilgamesh Hoi


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Posted 23 August 2023 - 05:35 PM

View PostFrost_Byte, on 22 August 2023 - 12:46 PM, said:

I just finished playing some matches in the War Emu in quickplay. This mech is seriously underrated, the fact that it can carry 4 ballistic with the amazing hitboxes and mounts of a Stalker makes it legendary. If we gave it any meaningful offensive quirks, we'd be getting complaints of OP left and right!

The Viper Scaleshot is something else, playing that mech is so much fun. The ammo quirks make it possible to bring weapons that mech has no right carrying.

Thanks for posting, much appreciated. That said, you guys screwed up. The whole pitch for legendary mechs was that they had special hard-points, camos, and above all an "Outlier Quirks", that was your words PGI, that is what you told us and framed the entire undertaking. You said every legendary would come with outlier quirks but the War Emu has nothing, considering how these mechs and their debuts come about at the last minute of patch time, remember the Viper was initially posted as Scattershot! by mistake, and the values that went live on a couple previous were the wrong version its not hard to imagine that someone there forgot to add the War Emu quirks and instead of just owning it you guys are trying to pull our leg because there will not be another patch til next month.

Really poor form PGI, you folks have been working so hard and doing so bloody great the past couple years that it kills me when I see you shoot yourself in the foot like this by dropping the ball and then trying to spin it out. Personally I'm ride or die MWO, but don't you realize how much this undercuts your efforts with the less dedicated player base we need to keep the game operating? the whole "Oh we meant to launch with no quirks on the legendary mech even though outlier quirks are the brand of legendary mechs since first reveal! trust us! pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!!" is turning people off and is not helping.

Remember PGI said Legendary mechs would each come with an outlier quirk, that's on you PGI not us for noticing. Take a good hard look at your War Emu sales numbers PGI, these kind of broken promises or silly oversights hurt sales and customer engagement. I played way way way way too much yesterday and saw a gran total of 1 War Emu, and it was slaughtered in the first 3 mins.

Love you guys, but just sayin...

Edited by Gilgamesh Hoi, 23 August 2023 - 05:39 PM.

#25 -Ramrod-


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Posted 23 August 2023 - 07:15 PM

The Outlier quirk for the War Emu is that it costs $15 and has hardpoints that are "meh". I'll take a 4 AC-5 King Crab over a War Emu. The Scaleshot is awesome. The War Emu is well...pathetic. And I most certainly will NOT buy one as is. There are other assaults that can do nearly the same thing. And I can't help but feel that War Emu is a play off of Sheldon's Battle Ostrich from Big Bang Theory xD.

Edited by -Ramrod-, 23 August 2023 - 07:15 PM.

#26 Robert Bruce


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Posted 24 August 2023 - 06:55 AM

I have all the stalkers, I was looking forward to seeing the outlier quirk on the "legendary" one.
I very seldom complain but with nearly 500 mechs? I dont have a shortage of mechs that can boom boom pow, most of the ballistic mechs I own have both favorable quirks and high mounts. I have more than enough cbills to buy whatever chassis I want and ac/5 spam just isnt rare or interesting enough to spend "fake money" never mind real money in for indoor activity in summer time.

I do not feel my money was well spent on this Stalker, it wouldnt even have even taken much, a small bonus to the missile bay door damage reduction, a tiny bonus to its torso twist....something.....

I say again, I didnt buy it for the headache inducing ac/5 spam which is already something i can do with other mechs, or its ability to zombie, I bought it for the outlier quirk.

I constantly defend you guys but have to agree that this is bad optics for you and a bad purchase for me.

I do have a suggestion actually..... the urbie K9 has lights and a siren you can turn on, maybe this mech can have sound dampening equipment in the cockpit or something..... BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANG right near the cockpit is horrid!

#27 JOATMON Incorporated


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Posted 24 August 2023 - 09:57 AM

Adding Jumpjets (and maybe some jumpjet duration quirks) would make this a truly unique/legendary Stalker, and not be game breaking. At that point it would basically be a an over tonnage catapult.

#28 Robert Bruce


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Posted 24 August 2023 - 12:51 PM

View PostJOATMON Incorporated, on 24 August 2023 - 09:57 AM, said:

Adding Jumpjets (and maybe some jumpjet duration quirks) would make this a truly unique/legendary Stalker, and not be game breaking. At that point it would basically be a an over tonnage catapult.

jump jets? noooooo that will go over like a lead balloon

#29 Grey Hook


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Posted 24 August 2023 - 01:52 PM

View Postthe check engine light, on 23 August 2023 - 07:29 PM, said:

What kind of outlier quirk do you suggest? Last time I suggested something it came true somehow and was op as ****, so I'll refrain from possibly jinxing **** again.

I'm not a programmer and I don't have PGI's bird's-eye-view of the game data, but I'm not sure that this is a difficult as it's being made out to be. I think there are several decent options.

I think extra mobilty- like a big boost to turning speed, and perhaps accelleration & decceleration- would be a good fit without being OP. I've never tried to catch an Emu, but as a kid I had a lot of experience chasing chickens. They are not really that fast but they can turn on a dime which makes them tricky to catch. Because the Stalker's base agility is so mediocre to begin with, a big boost- like 50%, say- wouldn't unbalance the game, but it would certainly look impressive in the quirk stats.

To stick with the character, the Aussie soldiers in the 1932 "Emu War" were reportedly amazed at how many machinegun bullets it took to put one of these big birds down. Giving the War Emu a 90% crit chance reduction (like the Charger Number Seven) would capture that toughness without rendering the mech OP (Especially in light of the new weapons that just dropped; HAG40 doesn't need to score crits to ruin your day).

Even something like a dramatically increased heat capacity, to mimic the emu's ability to thrive in a harsh desert environment, would be a good option. The War Emu hardpoints ensure that it isn't at risk of being turned into an OP energy boat, even if the heat cap was boosted by 25%.

I still think the bottom line is that ANY outlier quirk is better than none.

Edited by Grey Hook, 24 August 2023 - 01:55 PM.

#30 Mark Yore


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Posted 25 August 2023 - 09:18 PM

View PostFrost_Byte, on 22 August 2023 - 12:46 PM, said:

I just finished playing some matches in the War Emu in quickplay. This mech is seriously underrated, the fact that it can carry 4 ballistic with the amazing hitboxes and mounts of a Stalker makes it legendary. If we gave it any meaningful offensive quirks, we'd be getting complaints of OP left and right!

It does feel a little bit odd to have a Legendary Mech that has no quirks at all. For example, the Dreadnought has additional artillery slots.

Since it can be played with almost any weapon, tinkering with heat, cooldown or range would tip it over into pay to win. I'd suggest PGI could add minor buffs, such as Seismic Sensors +100, -50% External Heat, Max Speed up 7.5%, ammo bonus or additional buffs to torso speed, yaw or pitch would all move the Emu out of vanilla.

It's a solid mech (although I'm still trying to work out an optimal build) but it needs something to give it some zing.

Update: It's workable with 4 LBX-10s but it needs careful ammo management.

Edited by Mark Yore, 25 August 2023 - 09:45 PM.

#31 Mark Yore


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Posted 25 August 2023 - 09:42 PM

View PostLe Bum, on 22 August 2023 - 04:22 PM, said:

War Emu is probably the most legendary name they have come up with yet. Get over yourself and have some fun.

War Emu is awesome and the attached title of Deadset Legend is the main reason to buy this mech.

#32 Ruediger Steiner


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Posted 26 August 2023 - 03:13 AM

It was already mentioned in this thread. Weapon display for RACs is wrong on the War Emu. It shows an AC5 instead of a RAC5 or RAC2.

Posted Image

Edited by Wishmast3r, 26 August 2023 - 03:14 AM.

#33 Azulart


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Posted 26 August 2023 - 09:13 AM

First off, thank you for the new mechs and new weapons. I'm sure a lot of effort went into bringing these live and it's appreciated. The War Emu is a fairly decent mech. The Ballistic hardpoints are the only true selling point for this mech though, and that was a wee bit disappointing. If you were looking for quirks to not break the balance, a few off the top of my head that would be well received, extra 5% c-bill bonus, bonus consumable slot, small ammo bonus, and the piece de resistance a movable mech component that could be activated, like the K9. Any of those perks would of increased the satisfaction with the EMU tremendously without impending cries of PTW. Overall, it's a great stalker though and will see plenty of play I'm sure.

The Scale Shot is a different beast completely. I purchased this Viper with glee, being as I love playing the Vipers and was excited to see the alpha capability of the Scale shot, and I was not disappointed at all! Without changing a single thing, no skills, not even a consumable, I took it out and the first match broke 1100dmg. This mech can literally delete most light and medium mechs in one alpha to the back armor if you're close enough to negate spread. The missile quirks really add to the lethality of this mech and the ammo quirks make sure you stay lethal well past 1500 damage with just 2.5 tons of ammo. Couple this incredible alpha potential with the mobility Vipers are famous for, and you have a recipe for back armor buffing becoming a thing again. Add all that with the fact it's the first mech that you can migrate omnipod bonuses to other mechs, the 3000MC, warhorns, etc., that you get for the $15 with the battlepass and you can see how it's a great buy. Is it PTW, hmm.. I'm biased because I love the mech so much, but I suspect this will be the mech people are saying is OP long before the Emu.

#34 P H O T O N


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Posted 04 September 2023 - 01:15 AM

Definitely agree the War Emu is yet another underwhelming IS mech, it's an absolute chore to play it in T1. Perhaps in lower tier games it could be fun. It really needs some quirks, it has absolutely none right now, and the only justification that I can see is that it has 4 ballistic hard points which is unique for a Stalker, but not for literally hundreds of other better mechs.

There's a distinct imbalance between IS and clan mechs that is only growing with time. The Scaleshot is just stupidly strong in comparison.

Edited by P H O T O N, 04 September 2023 - 01:23 AM.

#35 The6thMessenger


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Posted 04 September 2023 - 01:16 AM

War Emu.

The bane of Australia.


#36 Enamillion89


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Posted 06 September 2023 - 11:34 AM

General question. Do you think there’s going to be a chance that Piranha games (MWO) would consider on making a Hatchetman mech, and a Panther Legend mech?

#37 martian


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Posted 06 September 2023 - 11:40 AM

View PostEnamillion89, on 06 September 2023 - 11:34 AM, said:

General question. Do you think there’s going to be a chance that Piranha games (MWO) would consider on making a Hatchetman mech, and a Panther Legend mech?

From the technical point of view, there should be no problem. They would be just another pair of Hero 'Mechs.

But PGI has been offering mostly Assault-class 'Mechs so far.

#38 Kodan Black


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Posted 22 September 2023 - 10:57 AM

Can we get the shoulder and elbow bolt-ons for the scaleshot? Right now the only one you seem able to equip is the Frills and I get that we can't have other head ones, but it seems like there is nothing preventing the arm ones from working. Thanks!

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