I know how to fix it
First, have a Talk To The Other Side comms channel.
We can’t talk to each other, we can’t ‘encourage’ the other side. We can’t engage, we can’t get involved in Bidding. It’s always all or nothing. Bidding by the Clans is part of the Lore. Worried about harsh language? Don’t click on the tab. You don’t have to lower yourself to talk to the other side ������
Increasing the number of games:
What if you could bid for a lower number of say, 4 vs 4. You set a personal minimum number you find acceptable. When the number is reached, you are prompted to answer, are you okay with a 4 vs 4?
If the answer is yes and there are enough on the other side also set to the number you drop. If you don’t answer the prompt you default to 12 vs 12. If you walk away from FP to get a coffee you may miss your chance to drop. Pay attention pilots! It means less AFK players
Player Rewards
Supply Crates. When you go to war you get loot or higher pay right? Combat pay. Right now, we get them randomly in Quick Play. We could have a special set for FP. They might have XL engines, Mech Bays, GSP, the possibilities are quite good here.
You could determine earning ability toward a Supply Crate. The less tonnage you lose in a fight the more percentage you get toward a Supply Crate. Hit your %100 you get one. 4 vs 4, Comon Crate, 8 vs 8, Medium Crate, 12 vs 12, Rare Crate. 4 vs 4 minimum advancement toward your crate, 8 vs 8 more percent, 12 vs 12, maximum return.
Planet importance would of course change this. Hesperus II is under attack this weekend? Earn a Heavy mech of your choice…if you win. Fail you get a Rare Crate
Minimum Bids:
Planets on the Periphery might only take a lance of mechs to attack or defend. Capitals would require only 12 vs 12. Each planet could have a minimum capture bid and change the percentage gain on Supply Crates. It means planets gain importance. Those little blinky lights gain value.
Planet Targeting:
With minimum bids it means you can target planets again. Group with four people and put a minimum bid on a planet (if the planet allows for it). Give an option that any lower bid may accept a higher bid. Think you 4 mechs can take 8? Prove it. Your 8 can take 12, try. All players on the lower bid must accept though. Again it means more games in FP
What do you guys think?
Edited by Rabitldr, 11 November 2023 - 11:44 PM.