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Good Mechs For Headshotting?

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Posted 14 November 2021 - 02:29 PM

Hello, I have decided to get guillotine achievment, and as such i'd need to build some mechs that woudl actually be good for that. Perhaps something with PPCHSL perk ? I quess clanners are off the table since without ghostheat they can only do 20 pinpoint damage with their ERPPC's.
I'd prefer something with jumpjets, but i can put up with having my wings clipped.

What woudl you recommend?

Edited by KOKO MORENO, 14 November 2021 - 02:30 PM.

#2 panzer1b


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Posted 15 November 2021 - 04:39 AM

at max armor skills assaults have 38 HP, heavys 40HP, mediums 41HP, and lights 43HP.

Basically to guarantee a headshot (and that is assuming that you hit the hitbox with every single round, the only non ghost heat combos to be certain are:

3HPPC (possible on more then a few mechs actually)

2HGR (fatnir, anni, cyclops, victor, victor is the only 1 that i can think of that would theoretically be able to bring JJs).

Beyond those, you have a few select options if you dont like HGRs or HPPCs.

MAD-4L: 2GR+2ERPPC, no ghost heat, PPFLD, and the projectile velocities are close enough to use on slow moving things at shorter ranges but your better off shooting stationary things to get headshots at range. It can bring JJs if you are ok with sacrificing the already pathtic speed needed to bring that build, and it has ECM which lets you actually expose, and not have to instantly take the 1st snapshot before ducking back into cover. Best of all, its a genuinely useful mech if the team actually doesnt nascar the whole game so you arent screwing your team over if you decide to play this and position properly with it. Its not top tier meta material, but its far better then some of the more gimmicky choices ive seen peple try for headshots with.

Clam option: 2GR+1ERPPC, its cool enough that even with GH you can alpha the weapons at least twice in a row on things that have barely any DHS like the nigh gyr), and that mech can JJ easy. The velocity difference if you only major drawback, since the PPC flies much slower you arent headshotting anything that is moving sideways rapidly at range, so if headshotting wait for someone to peek out and stop moving before firing at them. You can bring this loadout on pretty much any clammer that has 2 ballistic hardpoints and 1 energy in the 75+ ton range, although the night gyr is prolly the best for you if you want JJs and it has alot of those with ecm ontop of it.

Aside from that, you could try quad PPC as you can alpha that with +1HSL at least 1-2 times and its barely enough to 1 shot a heavy or assault. That or dual AC-20s if you wanna brawl.

That and realistically, many builds shave at least some off the head, so realistically between not havng full armor tree, and not having full head armor, dual gauss is like a 50-50 chance of a kill if you can hit them in the head with both shells...



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Posted 15 November 2021 - 06:10 AM

Thank you for this very usefull info.Yeah i know that many people like to go without full head armor, but some still do. Quite sad feeling when i do hit someone in the cocpit with for example thunderbolt with 3xPPC just to leave him with extremly red head, so I wanted to look around for some "higher pinpoint alternatives". That marauder looks just about perfect :)

#4 Firebahl


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Posted 24 December 2023 - 06:28 PM

Spend a week trying a Tbolt TDR-9S with 3HPPC

Then saw this here. SO even tho it is a nerco post, here is is for future Headshotters.

MAD-4L Following the above, tried this one. Got the Headshot the first try.
Dual GR (6t ammo). GECM, Dual ERPPC, XL 350, DHS, Endo.
Worked first try. But I am sure that is not normal.

#5 Void Angel


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Posted 24 December 2023 - 07:37 PM

Yes, Dual Gauss will work for most head components. It's not quite enough if they've maxxed it out, but many people shave a few points, since headshots aren't too common.

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