Weeny Machine, on 08 April 2024 - 01:17 PM, said:
No, the point is that even if you do such a thing, you can get good scores with PPCs and Gauss. Why? Simply because you have no ECM bubble interfering with your fire and when you shoot LRMS without locks the speed is still terrible. Not to mention that you can fire Gauss and ERPPCs across half the map
So please, do not use the skill strawman in this argument.
The only strawman being used is assuming that LRMs are somehow more skillful because of lock times or hard counters. The whole point of hard counters is that skill can't overcome them, they turn the game into rock, paper, scissors.
For the record though, I see people miss with Gauss/ERPPC across the map all the time, in fact I hate seeing MAD-4Ls, Stealth Fafnir/Thanatos, and MAD-IIC-Ds on my team because they almost always have awful aim and its painful to watch when they are last alive (worst is when they are fresh). However, compare that to the LRM45 Atlas of yore back before ECM and radar derp were even twinkles in Paul's eyes, it was hard to mess up and not do well.
Sorry, lock time limits the situations it's applicable in but does not increase the amount of skill to use, that much (like a sliver) much like Gauss' charge time. The difference is, there is just much less to account for when using lock-ons compared to gauss. You don't have to compensate for lead time, you don't have to worry about multiple hit boxes, etc. You have to worry about hard counters but there is little skill can do to save you from it without serious build taxes (TAG, BAP, PPCs, NARCs, etc). I don't like the system but to bandaid it, the hard counters and LRMs need to be nerfed slowly to at least offer something LRMs haven't had in years: consistency.
Edited by Quicksilver Aberration, 08 April 2024 - 04:56 PM.