Patch: - 23-APRIL-2024
Location: Locust-1M, Thunderbolt 5, Live match
Reproduction Rate: 90%
Steps to Reproduce:
1: Equip a LCT-1M with two Thunderbolt 5s, no TAG or BAP.
2: Enter a live quickplay match - they seem to properly target the target's center in training grounds.
3: Lock onto a mech anywhere within range - size, speed and direct/indirect does not seem to change much.
4: Fire the thunderbolts, and they should fly over the top of your target and miss most of the time. It's almost like they're aiming for a point above the mech.
Skill tree code: aa84a7252829075180108c141ec207420405a000000000060464f47000000 Build code: AH2:20F0|4d|RPpB0|i^|i^qB0|i^|i^r:0|h@s:0|h@t@0u@0v20|QPw202020
My Archer 2R(S) doesn't seem to have this issue, having played a few matches in both it and the LCT-1M.
(If I had to give my two cents, I suspect it might be caused by the extreme 65% velocity boost to the T-bolts? I can't test that though, as I don't have any other mechs that have similar quirks and can mount T-Bolts)

3 replies to this topic
Posted 04 May 2024 - 09:24 PM
Posted 05 May 2024 - 01:22 AM
I suggest that you post it in the appropriate patch notes thread: Patch Notes - - 23-April-2024
Posted 05 May 2024 - 04:14 AM
Ah, thank you. That didn't come to mind, somehow. I will do just that!

Edited by Thomas Greenman, 05 May 2024 - 04:17 AM.
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