with the Longbow now out for MC does anyone have some good or just plain fun builds for it.
i like the look of the mech and have been contemplating picking one up.
been looking at the LGB-12C since it has more generic missile quirks (was actually thinking of running it with 4 TB-5s, 2 TB10s, and 3 MLs)
those who know me on here know i do enjoy LRM but Thunderbolts are more effective as things sit.
though the one with the 6 Ballistics looks like it would run 6 L-AC/5s pretty well.
so those of you who have one, what are your builds? those who are thinking about it what are your ideas for it?

Longbow Builds
Started by VeeOt Dragon, May 07 2024 03:11 PM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 07 May 2024 - 03:11 PM
Posted 08 May 2024 - 05:47 AM
The 12C is kind of the only good choice for running LRMs or Thunderbolts, as its the one with the 20% velocity quirk. But it only has room for a TAG, not a credible battery of secondary lasers or light PPCs for busting ECM. The 7V is much better at that, but it has no velocity quirk, so its kind of a lackluster MRM boat.
Otherwise I ignore the Longbow for missiles. velocity is everything, especially since they keep nerfing velocity.
Otherwise I ignore the Longbow for missiles. velocity is everything, especially since they keep nerfing velocity.
Posted 13 May 2024 - 07:05 PM
yeah it only has the 3 energy hardpoints but i think i can manage a good build with it. i might wait for them to come out for c-bills though now that i think on it. honestly i have had such a hard time deciding what to spend my MC on sometimes. most of the hero mechs don't really speak to me much and i have been playing so long that i have quite the stable of mechs to fiddle with.
everyone feel free to post any Longbow ideas not just the 12C
everyone feel free to post any Longbow ideas not just the 12C
Edited by VeeOt Dragon, 13 May 2024 - 07:06 PM.
Posted 14 May 2024 - 12:17 PM
Well, you could try something like This. It's slow, but you can grab Speed Tweak to be fast enough to reposition. TBLTs cluster closer and hit torsos more effectively than other missiles, so you only really need the lasers to discourage Lights and back you up in the brawl. Medium X-Pulse will cost you a bit of ammo, but you should still have enough for your needs. If you put even half of those missiles on target before running dry or getting merked, you'll have held your own, and you still have the laser beams. Alternatively, ER Mediums will give you more ammo with a longer engagement range on the lasers.
LRMs will be faster, and manage a better overall throw weight, with more dps at the cost of additional spread - In other words, the difference between Thunderbolt and LRM missiles. =)
LRMs will be faster, and manage a better overall throw weight, with more dps at the cost of additional spread - In other words, the difference between Thunderbolt and LRM missiles. =)
Posted 14 May 2024 - 12:21 PM
Oh, and in either case you can Split the Difference to mount a Light PPC for anti-ECM.
Posted 14 May 2024 - 10:58 PM
LRM10s are a waste of tonnage. You're better off with LRM15s.
Posted 15 May 2024 - 10:57 AM
Oh, yeah, I see what you mean. Probably needs an adjustment somewhere... the damage per heat is abysmal, and dps/ton is higher for the 15s.
Posted 07 July 2024 - 01:09 PM
Aidan Crenshaw, on 14 May 2024 - 10:58 PM, said:
LRM10s are a waste of tonnage. You're better off with LRM15s.
Incorrect, as it mostly just boils down to preference. 3 LRM-10s + Artemis, compared to 2 LRM-15s + Artemis, will:
-Shoot faster due to a lower cooldown, meaning more DPS
-Have Decreased Missile Spread
-Is more resiliant to critical hits, meaning if one launcher is destroyed (LRM-10s have 10 health, LRM-15s have 12.5 health), you will lose 10 tubes compared to losing 15. In addition, the 3 LRM-10s have overall more health. A niche thing, but still helpful.
HOWEVER, the LRM-15s have:
-Decreased weight (2 tons comparing the 2 LRM15 Arti versus the 3 LRM10 Arti)
-Lower heat generation (but also lower DPS)
It mostly just boils down to if you got the hardpoints for it and the weight.
Posted 07 July 2024 - 02:07 PM
i ended up getting picking up the 10C since my Nightstar- Wolf Phoenix does the TBs better (running 40 total tubes and 4 MLs)
in the end i went with this build. runs a bit toastier than i like but its manageable. (yeah i could have gone with the 300 engine but i like having the AMS, if it ran a bit cooler i would have gone with L-AMS). the only difference with other builds i tend to use with LRM is that Chain fire doesn't really work as well. LRM-5s tend to be completely negated by AMS. instead i just set up an extra two firing groups for when things get toasty (R side L side LRM). (remember that chain fire is almost always better than Override other than in cases of getting just one least alpha off before getting to cover as not overheating is better than overheating and damaging yourself)
LGB-10C (2 LRM-15s, 4 LRM-5s (10t ammo), 4 MLs, 1 AMS (1t ammo), running an LE-295 with 5 DHS, and LFF)
Build code
in the end i went with this build. runs a bit toastier than i like but its manageable. (yeah i could have gone with the 300 engine but i like having the AMS, if it ran a bit cooler i would have gone with L-AMS). the only difference with other builds i tend to use with LRM is that Chain fire doesn't really work as well. LRM-5s tend to be completely negated by AMS. instead i just set up an extra two firing groups for when things get toasty (R side L side LRM). (remember that chain fire is almost always better than Override other than in cases of getting just one least alpha off before getting to cover as not overheating is better than overheating and damaging yourself)
LGB-10C (2 LRM-15s, 4 LRM-5s (10t ammo), 4 MLs, 1 AMS (1t ammo), running an LE-295 with 5 DHS, and LFF)
Build code
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