Davegt27, on 11 May 2024 - 07:55 AM, said:
the problem is it did not work
so we need to come up something new
or in other words how do add 5,000 players ??
I would say that the reason it didn't work was due to PGI untimeliness of handling things, from not adding CW/FP sooner, taking way too long to make actual changes to the starting "placeholder", MC generation when holding a planet that lead to a tax, an increasing bracket based on the number of players in the unit. Then said units started dropping occasional players (friends/family/associates) to reduce their "tax" load when adding new players, followed by the MC ownership revenue being removed but units still had those tax brackets, then LongTom fiasco which chased off the regular units while being kept in the game too long. Even with events, etc, the need to actually change Houses/Factions to drop in FP game, with the current setup for different level of Faction side was the route to go.
With the some of the previous discussion prior to the merge of QP queues into the Soup Queue, and with a non-existent MM

teams could have been limited to 8-man, with Solo/2-man filling the slots. The other part would have been the high-end units reining themselves in. High level units had players whose attendance dropped because they stopped enjoying the stomps that occurred. With a 12-man, one way to rein things in would have been to hit the Reds with smaller, which for many would have fit when they were dropping on the Clan side. Going forward with 9-man instead of all 12-man, and make it 5 waves instead of 4 waves, i.e. to challenge themselves. They could even announce it, but if a few of the Reds travelled and fired on that 3-man waiting for the 2nd wave to drop, all bets were off.
But no, many high caliber unit leaders played like as if they wanted to punish any pugs/low end units that faced them, to end the match as quickly as possible. On both sides unit memberships started to drop, units loss critical mass, the community as a whole suffered.
Could FP make a comeback, or have more activity than it currently does? Unknown but PGI would need to make some actual game changes, including potentially adding a visible Unit queue waiting for another unit to drop against. Though with their mostly off-hand approach except for Events, it would take players/unit leaders to work together, aiming primarily for Weekend events, like Kesmai had with the House Leaders during the MBPT Solaris and the Succession Wars, first on AOL then Gamestorm. Essentially, give the players something to look forward to while Units manage their drops, such as not dropping as a full 12-man.
/smack.. wait.. was I dreaming? !!!??? /ugghh...
Edited by Tarl Cabot, 11 May 2024 - 09:52 AM.