- Kill a Mech with artillery or an airstrike. Title - "Bombardier"
- Deal the most damage in a game and survive with 100% HP. Title - "Lucky Charm"
- Kill 10 Mechs, while they JumpJet. Title - "Deadeye"
- Kill 10 Mechs, with a killing blow over 1500 m. Title - "Long-range specialist"
- Earn 1000 million C-bills. Title - "The Black"
- Do the TOP Damage, and never get on enemy radar. Title - "Predator"
- Do 6 Kill Most Damage Dealt, in one Match. Title - "Expert Shoter"
- Do 2000 Damage, in one Match. Title - "Barbarian"
- Get 12 Kill Assists, in 10 Match. Title - "Wingman" and - "Wingwoman"

Edited by MechWarrior2150582, 17 August 2024 - 01:28 AM.