Anyway, basic expansion of the title is this... For literally ALL of the Hero Mechs which do not currently have a Legendary Version at this time, ranging all the way from 20-Ton Locust "Pirates Bane" LCT-PB up through to 100-Ton Dire Wolf "UltraViolet" DWF-UV Mechs which exist currently, the folks at PGI should make Legendary Versions of such. Further, they should provide appropriate Mini-Battle-Pass sets for each and every one, such that people can have plenty of things to earn as well.

Doing this would take care of all the people who want these Hero Mechs in their hands, but want them without having to purchase the rest of a corresponding MechPack which each Hero Mech is tied into. There would even be added value granted for both PGI and the purchaser by the trade in what was provided, both in cash to PGI and content to the user. Before you ask, the Hero Mechs section of the Gift Store absolutely does NOT currently cover this at all, and I've taken the time to check it before typing this claim into my posting. I can tell you however that if they implement this idea, then they should be able to completely replace their entire existing "Gift Store > Heroes" section with a "Gift Store > Legendaries" area where all the Legendary Mechs which currently exist could be, plus the addition of everything else that would be added by re-adapting & providing all earlier Hero Mechs in the form of Legendary Versions for a Gift-type purchase to grant others by anyone who wishes such an option. Heck, they could even have both sections, just in case someone only wants to gift a Hero without the Mini-Battle-Pass and other such things added on for delivery.

So, people... What do you think? Is there any merit in giving PGI more options with the whole Hero/Legendary system which could make people happy enough to open their wallets? Do you think that they could potentially get enough money with this Legendary Mech list-expanding idea, such that they could really put some heavier development into MWO once again? Heck... Are there any thoughts which I missed here?

~D. V. "hopes expanding Legendary Options via past Hero Mechs could help MWO financially" Devnull
[Poll added after initial submission by the post's author... You should be good to vote now!]
Edited by D V Devnull, 22 June 2024 - 09:00 AM.