It is logical that flamers have to produce heat at some point, but in BT lore they are described as a weapon that draws plasma directly from the fusion engine. That is represented by their ammoless nature, which is nice, but they are not supposed to produce much heat in first few seconds of firing. In fact, of all things, it would be logical to imagine them being used as some sort of emergency ventilation tool, since they could shoot the proficient plasma from engine, thus reducing it's temperature. And if we are looking at flamers from the gameplay and balance side of things, well, the fact that they even produce heat at all, therefore basically disable heat dissipation for flamers' user as well as for his target, is just stupid. While they are still withing their yellow heat gauge firing time they still generate overall almost more heat than similar number of medium lasers, because while lasers do generate heat quickier, they also don't block heat dissipation, so they have time to cool down. Flamers, on the other hand, just don't have that, and they also prevent heat generated by other weapons from dissipating too. At all.
So, my point is that the flamers should recieve a buff in a form of either just simply removed heat generation while their heat gauge is yellow (for these 5-6 seconds it would really be logical to not have the flamers overheat mech), or to make them generate negative heat in this yellow heat gauge firing time. So mech can either just not hinder his own fighting ability by firing his weapons or even be able to vent off some heat with flamers in these first seconds of them firing, making them a really interesting alternative to a similarily heavy but much more hot medium laser.
While second alternative might be overpowered, making flamers just NOT produce any heat while their heat gauge is still yellow is a very logical thing to do. They are just not worth using because of that, any mech with any weapons mixed with flamers is going to overheat himself quickier than his enemy, and this is a massive balance flaw. Flamers need this buff, and they need it desperately.
Edited by JumpingHunter, 12 July 2023 - 02:23 PM.