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Return Vip Mode 2.1 Updated

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#1 HellBudZ


  • Pip
  • 11 posts

Posted 10 November 2024 - 09:02 AM

Thank you for taking the time to read this. It's an updated way to play VIP Mode that I mentioned in another topic I wrote.

VIP Mode 2.1

An assault player is chosen at random during the drop and becomes the VIP to protect. The goal of the VIP player is to survive the journey from starting point A to endpoint D, passing through checkpoints B and C.

To ensure the route isn't the same in every game, the VIP must, starting from point A, go through a checkpoint B. However, this checkpoint is a choice between three possible points: B1, B2, or B3, located one-third of the way to point D. Once the VIP reaches one of these checkpoints (for example, B3), they must then proceed to a checkpoint C, which can be C1, C2, or C3. After reaching one of the C checkpoints, the VIP must continue to one of the final endpoints: D1, D2, or D3.

The aim is for the VIP to survive the route. The opposing team must find the best strategic positioning to intercept the VIP. Even though the opposing team knows the possible B checkpoints (B1, B2, B3), they do not know which one the VIP will choose. Additionally, until one of the B checkpoints is reached, the C checkpoints (C1, C2, C3) remain undisclosed.

It is also possible for each team to have its own assault VIP, making the goal for both teams to navigate their respective routes while attempting to eliminate the opposing team's VIP.


Edited by HellBudZ, 10 November 2024 - 09:03 AM.

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