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#1 Dryderian


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Posted 25 October 2024 - 04:35 PM

I play mainly solo queue,

but the solo queue does not seem random solo anymore. I know how a random team behaves(from old days I guess) and the games I have recently played seem more like part of the team is organized while another part are random people.

The organized part do their thing while randoms do not get the support they expect from a team of random people. Could these organized people perhaps just lead on voice com and call targets, so that the rest has at least the chance to chime in with the plan, unless they intend to just surf on the dmg the random participants did.

Edited by Dryderian, 25 October 2024 - 07:39 PM.

#2 Bassault


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Posted 25 October 2024 - 07:39 PM

View PostDryderian, on 25 October 2024 - 04:35 PM, said:

I play mainly solo queue,

but the solo queue does not seem random anymore. I know how a random team behaves(from old days I guess) and the games I have recently played seem more like part of the team is organized while another part are random people.

The organized part do their thing while randoms do not get the support they expect from a team of random people. Could these organized people perhaps just lead on voice com and call targets, so that the rest has at least the chance to chime in with the plan, unless they intend to just surf on the dmg the random participants did.

The problem is they don't know what they are doing or what they want to do, so how can you coordinate anything if you don't even know what you're doing?

Edited by Bassault, 25 October 2024 - 07:39 PM.

#3 Dryderian


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Posted 25 October 2024 - 08:04 PM

View PostBassault, on 25 October 2024 - 07:39 PM, said:

The problem is they don't know what they are doing or what they want to do, so how can you coordinate anything if you don't even know what you're doing?

That is why I said just announce it, so that random ppl are at least aware that 1/3 of the team do their own stuff - even if the are not knowing what they are doing..So I can change to solo mode which in this game is a death sentence, but I would probably do more dmg knowing that.

Edited by Dryderian, 25 October 2024 - 08:14 PM.

#4 martian


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Posted 25 October 2024 - 08:12 PM

View PostDryderian, on 25 October 2024 - 04:35 PM, said:


I play mainly solo queue,

but the solo queue does not seem random solo anymore. I know how a random team behaves(from old days I guess) and the games I have recently played seem more like part of the team is organized while another part are random people.
There has been no Solo Queue in MechWarrior Online since May 2020. Now it is called the Quick Play.

Premade teams of up to 4-man size have been added to the former Solo Queue. Sometimes, you can see 5+ teams in the Quick Play, if those premades syncdrop.

So no, "the solo queue does not seem random solo anymore" as you have noticed.

View PostDryderian, on 25 October 2024 - 04:35 PM, said:

The organized part do their thing while randoms do not get the support they expect from a team of random people. Could these organized people perhaps just lead on voice com and call targets, so that the rest has at least the chance to chime in with the plan, unless they intend to just surf on the dmg the random participants did.
Any attempt at "herding cats" is usually just an exercise in futility.

#5 Dryderian


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Posted 25 October 2024 - 08:19 PM

View Postmartian, on 25 October 2024 - 08:12 PM, said:

There has been no Solo Queue in MechWarrior Online since May 2020. Now it is called the Quick Play.

Premade teams of up to 4-man size have been added to the former Solo Queue. Sometimes, you can see 5+ teams in the Quick Play, if those premades syncdrop.

So no, "the solo queue does not seem random solo anymore" as you have noticed.

Any attempt at "herding cats" is usually just an exercise in futility.

Roger that, time to adjust I guess. I've maiinly played mid range support mechs which rely on a team or at least some mechs moving together.

Edited by Dryderian, 25 October 2024 - 09:04 PM.

#6 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 26 October 2024 - 08:54 AM

View PostDryderian, on 25 October 2024 - 08:19 PM, said:

Roger that, time to adjust I guess. I've maiinly played mid range support mechs which rely on a team or at least some mechs moving together.

Unless they are all in light, fast mechs, locate which side they dropped then try to stay close to them. Though at times that strategy does not always work :) when they are all in crusaders w/short range weapons, go to the far left (reverse nascar) without notating intentions and get pulverized. Some maps it may work while other maps, well.. /shudders.

But then not all grouped teams function like a unit. They may be grouped but play like they were solo dropping with their internal chat :)

#7 Meep Meep


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Posted 26 October 2024 - 12:12 PM

If you are trying to call for pugs keep it really simple by putting down map markers with general positional and push/turn around calls. They often respond to that. But if you try to call like you are in a real organized team with target letters and specific directives nah going to bounce right off. ASH does a good job of herding pubbies and about all he does is mark locations and say when to group push etc. Of course if they ~don't~ follow his advice he gets spicy in voip but hey ASH. Posted Image

#8 Djinnhammer


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Posted 26 October 2024 - 01:03 PM

View PostDryderian, on 25 October 2024 - 04:35 PM, said:

I play mainly solo queue,

but the solo queue does not seem random solo anymore. I know how a random team behaves(from old days I guess) and the games I have recently played seem more like part of the team is organized while another part are random people.

The organized part do their thing while randoms do not get the support they expect from a team of random people. Could these organized people perhaps just lead on voice com and call targets, so that the rest has at least the chance to chime in with the plan, unless they intend to just surf on the dmg the random participants did.

The solos can also use voice comms and call. But usually they don't due to being super solos....

#9 Moadebe


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Posted 27 October 2024 - 08:34 AM

Start calling yourself if you want despite whatever the group is doin what.

Something as simple as "Alpha Bushwhacker open Left torso" as a quick observation can help. If one person listens to it and utilizes the info then your call helped.

Ignore the people who are sitting there saying "its useless to even try to use comms since no one listens, and its like herding cats." At least you are trying, and if even one pug uses the info you did more than anyone who stayed silent. Sure most of the time nothing is going to happen. Thats the reality. At least you tried though.

If no one is talking or even attempting to be a cohesive team then just pay attention to your minimap and stay with the herd. Just try to not get left behind. Hate to say it but it happens.

Edited by Moadebe, 27 October 2024 - 09:41 AM.

#10 RockmachinE


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Posted 29 October 2024 - 03:31 PM

I'm not really sure when exactly, maybe 3-4 years ago, players in solo queue lost the ability to murderball up and move as one unit. It used to be a common thing, an obvious thing. Now everyone just spreads out across the map half the time and the team that spreads less tends to win.

Quality went down when a lot of old players left and the new folks that have been trickling in don't want to get with the program.

Posted Image

#11 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 29 October 2024 - 03:53 PM

i know it isn't the same for all groups but i find that most groups tend to use some outside program for their voice coms (discord/teamspeak) and then seem to turn off in game coms. mostly this is because MWO has no voice chat function outside of actual in match coms so you almost have to use an outside source to chat when not in a match. mind you this doesn't mean that they should be turning off in game coms though. its easy enough to simply set your outside coms to always on and then push-to-talk in MWO. most groups just don't seem to want to. i know that is how i used to do it when i played with other people. normal bullshiting in discord then use the push-to-talk for any in game call outs.

with me i tend to jabber sometimes in coms but i will still make calls and such. mostly simple stuff like "Delta weak CT" though lately its been mostly "turn around they are coming hard up your asses" because all people seem to be doing these last couple days is nascar.

#12 Dryderian


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Posted 02 November 2024 - 07:32 PM

I appreciate the helpful answers fellow Mechwarriors. I did lead several successful matches using voice com for some time, but as @[color=#0693f4]RockmachinE[/color] said, at some point people did not care anymore.I did stop because I did to tend to get quite angry, when people did not follow as it is fing easy to win a match in the tier I did end up after the reset.

I guess it comes down to watching the map and not to lead, but just look at the map how the team is moving in random matches and function more like a backup looking at the mechs I mainly play. I like to be in the fray, looking for the damaged parts and exploit that.

#13 Dryderian


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Posted 02 November 2024 - 07:37 PM

View PostDjinnhammer, on 26 October 2024 - 01:03 PM, said:

The solos can also use voice comms and call. But usually they don't due to being super solos....

I get the sarcarsm and yep, MWO is a team game, unless you are the guy who knows the schematic for a head shot for every mech and can place it being under fire.

Edited by Dryderian, 02 November 2024 - 07:53 PM.

#14 Jon Gotham


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Posted 05 November 2024 - 03:12 PM

View PostDryderian, on 25 October 2024 - 04:35 PM, said:

I play mainly solo queue,

but the solo queue does not seem random solo anymore. I know how a random team behaves(from old days I guess) and the games I have recently played seem more like part of the team is organized while another part are random people.

The organized part do their thing while randoms do not get the support they expect from a team of random people. Could these organized people perhaps just lead on voice com and call targets, so that the rest has at least the chance to chime in with the plan, unless they intend to just surf on the dmg the random participants did.

It's quick play-NOT solo queue.
All solo players can have a mic and speak.

#15 Mad Porthos


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Posted 05 November 2024 - 03:54 PM

So I'm listening to some of this and thinking back. A little context. I've been playing since open beta, 2012. I've come and gone and when gone its just I got other stuff to do. I like the game, so I don't speak from a point of spite or jaded resignation. Back when I was dropping in old days, old matchmaker ... I was often part of groups which would be on like the Marik Gunslingers Discord and people would make a point of grouping up in game after discussing what their matchmaking tiers were, like psr tier 2, tier 3, etc and they'd coordinate that in the discord so that you had several premades grouped at once, all with similar tiers on all the players within. Everyone then would be in that main discord room and together in their MWO drops. People would then coordinate clicking at the same time to try to "syncronize" thier dropping - providing a bunch of very similarly grouped tier 2, tier 3, and even tier 4 players in several groups to fill matches on the matchmaker. This did not at all guarantee you to be on the same side, you very often would be facing the other premades you were in discord with - but also, often if you had four or more groups dropping at that same moment, similar tiers... you'd often also get one or more of those premades on your discord on your side too.

As matches started, you'd see names you recognized on your discord channel on your side in other lances and so you and your premade 2 or 3 man and the other 2-3 man you recognized would say okay lets go into lobby 33 of the discord server you were on... both those groups then were in the discord chat and didn't even have to use the in game chat with anyone else. So you'd have plenty of people on those nights and they'd not even all be the same unit and tags, but often the pre-made groups were at least several of the same tag and we'd all coordinate - and only if something was absolutely important or the game really tight would you see the people in those premades deigning to use push to talk or whatever to talk using the MWO in game voice comms, yet the coordination was totally there for the rest because there was continual communication going on in that discord lobby between the two premades that ended being match made on the same side. Back then sometimes I think it could even be more than one or two groups even, so there might be like a two 2 man groups, a 3-man group and a single lone pug going WTH, how are they all coordinating so well?

The same might have been the case on the other side for the reds, but often one side wouldn't get as many of the premade groups and would have more quick play solo players. They were out of the loop and out of the coordination, very often you'd see the loss on that side even if you knew that two of the lances on the enemy team were fellow premades, cause they were on your discord server in another lobby at that moment. Coodination was key and seemed sometimes like a super power, but it also was goofy cause sometimes people got spicy even on the discord, fights and arguements happened over who to follow, what tactics... and a tool for coordination, became a tool for ... discord.

Edited by Mad Porthos, 05 November 2024 - 04:08 PM.

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