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What I Really Wish To Happen To The Mw5 Games - Merge Them!

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#1 Thorqemada


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Posted 02 December 2024 - 02:20 PM

Well, the Cat is out of the bag and the first DLC is released to polarizing reception.

I personally wish for these things:
Release it on GOG as i wont buy it anywhere else.

Keep the story content incoming.

Merge the two MW5 games into a UE5 version of it that contains all the content of both games but placed into the proceduraly sandbox universe of "MW5 Mercs" as this is the perfect place to be filled with story content while it offers infinite reaplyability + modability and thus with it a manifold increase in playtime and concurrent players.
I will gladly pay 50 bucks for it again if this happens and the result is an improvement to the original linstallment.

Give me an optically and attributes wise individualized Mechwarrior with rich options to customize.

Include Vehicle gameplay.

Go as close as possible to a missionstructure that at least vaguely resmembles aproximately reasonable military decisonmaking instead of arcady wave mechanics.
It does not need to be a hardcore milsim but pls make the enemy behavior believeable.
Allow retreats of both the player and the enemy from a mission when the dice has fallen (the outcome of a mission is decided and it is not a sucide mission).
I do want enemies retreat from meaningless suicide in general missions and i want to chase them to prevent that and vice versa.

I want a mechlab that is is reward for good and successful mechpiloting and getting on the good side of the right people/faction so it opens up form a closed shop to build my dream mech (at great expense ofc).
The rank and file have to accept they at best get other variants or some field modification kits.

Stop making SRM the dumb fire missiles they are not! - it is lore that SRM have a guidance, albeit a weak one that often fails and does miss the target.
Rockets MRM and some special Missile ammunition do not have a gudiance system.

Make the weapons have a cone of fire depending on the speed, range, skill and environmental ciscumstances of the Mech and Pilots involved.

For PvP offer an "invasion mode" like Elden Ring has it where PvPers can invade other players while they do missons but if fight off are defeated for that misson and can not come back again and make the Mechs involved lootable.

And a Solaris mode where AI and PC Players fight it out in the universe with the ability of shadowplay other players while they are not online (fight against their Mechs with AI pilots mirroring their playstyle and stats).

I do want exotic and underdog Mechs like surviving a Scout mission in an Ostscout mission.
I do want procedural generated content to fill the gaps and finally substitute story content when there is a time gap or the story content runs out.
I want it on GOG!

And pls be lore wise as open to the non initiated players/gamers as possible and have the gatekeeping at a minimum.

And finally i want a 4x game that is turnbased on a interstellar scale that in principle plays like "Emepror of the Fading Suns" but in an impoved complex but not complicated 2020s version, but in the Battletech universe.
-40% Emperor of the Fading Suns Enhanced on GOG.com

What i do not need:
Arcade modes like Horde mode that are utmost boring and meaningless to me - i want constructive gameplay with mission goals, side objectives and a ecnomical impact on the ressources i have available.

What i do not care about:
I dont care about another arena game!
I do not care about another multiplayer game with a map popularity contest that in reality makes 90% of all maps redundant as they will never be choosen and thus limit the variance of the gameplay to a very narrow ball up and shoot fish in the barrel style with no tactical/strategical objectives.
I dont care about repeated maps that become ultinately boring in the repetition and where combat becomes a choreografy instead of a dynamic battle situation!
I do not ******* care for the tonnage race - honoestly the best gameplay happens in the Medium and Heavy class with the odd Light Mech fun - Assaults are slow, brute force and i could not care less about that.
I do not care about everything free for nothing modes outside of theory crafting in ingame simpods and i probably would not even play that.

Well, thats that for that so far.

I wish you the best of success with the MW5 Series so you can release much more content - especially on GOG.com - and improve the game to where it deserves to be while pioneering into the great, deep, engaging and awe inspiring RPG and 4x possibilites of the franchise!

Happy holidays and a healthy and peaceful 2025 for all of you and your dears and all mankind!

My best wishes with you!

Edited by Thorqemada, 02 December 2024 - 02:29 PM.

#2 Peter Prickler


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Posted 09 December 2024 - 03:27 AM

both games are modable, so do your thing :P

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