I don't have a search option for some reason ('ve always had a search option in forums). Anyways, I have poured over threads looking for an answer to my dilemma.
No matter what contract I take (whatever faction or house) in Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries ... a very few produce any decent payouts. Most show up as a negative 1.5 to 2 million. And every once in awhile I actually have a decent payout. As for negotiaton points, I have more C-Bills and less salvage ... and I have tried more salvage and less C-Bills, and the payout is the same. I have been focusing on conflict zones further away from the center, mainly in Davion space. I have been working on increasing my standing with House Davion since this is the game started.
Am I missing something??? If this the case, this game is going to get boring, really quickly. Fighting to make something only to lose it on the next contracts. Luckily my negotiation points help with salvage so I am able to make some C-Bills. But it's working out. When I am able to upgrade mechs to something larger, I hav e to sell them to make some money.

Mw5: Mercs Contracts?
Started by Carbon Derelict, Dec 12 2024 02:57 PM
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