>> https://old.reddit.com/r/OutreachHPG/comments/1hbsnrn/mechs_reflecting_in_the_new_map_water_even_wo_los/ <<
...and it shows how one can get information about where an Enemy Mech is off of the water surface. That is simply an EXPLOIT they have discovered there, and definitely NOT fair gameplay by any means. This is in need of an immediate HotFix by those in PGI's MWO Staff who helped create the map. Who knows what graphics settings it takes to get such a wrongful advantage!

That said, with the way they presented it, there is no intent to name/shame anyone coming from me. I explicitly do NOT desire anyone getting in trouble over this, and would be excessively offended by someone inferring otherwise. I simply wish to help this issue get the light of day which it rightly deserves, and have it fixed. That means bringing the information onto MWO's Forums so this problem will get viewed by those who can actually fix such an error. If this particular Exploit were left to slide, who knows how many people could be wrongfully affected by others using it. Now to only hope that 'Tiy0s' & 'Krazzdaxx' are watching and reading here.

EDIT :: Before anyone asks, I have never used this Exploit myself, and I never would because of my personal principles. I simply never want it being used against me and/or anyone else!

~D. V. "Raising a rather big Alarm about the 'Luthien' Map's water surface... Immediate HotFix Required!!!" Devnull
(p.s.: Yeah, I might be going a little overboard using the word "Exploit" as one could simply call such an issue something like "Design Error" in nature, but I felt making the alarm high with "Exploit" was best here.)
Edited by D V Devnull, 17 December 2024 - 04:12 AM.