This genre has not really been expanded on since it's inception. You still cannot get out of your mech and there are no other real elements in the game, just mechs.
No actual experience as a people, in a giant mech battle outside of the mech, which, IMO, is where the immersive place starts.
The point of view aspect is sort of lost. Granted, you can't bring your speedo swimming suit to a mech fight but if I am wearing the same suit all the time, then my mech is a speedo swimming suit and the game immersion starts to suffer.
This game is on the cryengine and if you ever played crisis you would know about people in an augmentation suit, yet the game has never let you get out of the mech in it's entire time as a game, which is how many remade times now? I have discs going back to the star siege days and mech warrior discs? It's the same thing, just newer graphics.
What for you might ask? You are just going to be dead right? Why do you need a light and an ultralight and jump jets on mech?
Small groups of humans can take out a tank or help take out a tank, surely as an ejected pilot with jump jets and an augmentation suit, you can do something, like shoot a small laser or rocket launcher?
Yet for all the years of this genre, you still have not been able to experience it outside of the mech?
If you don't build it, they will not come.
Which is why I am a free to play player. Already bought this game several times?
I still enjoy this game and do not suggest that you should not play, but at this point it starts to feel like I am playing monopoly as a board game rather than an evolving genre? I already have monopoly! How many times do I buy the same game?
Kudos to you who have kept it alive this long though!
Thanks for that part!
Edited by Equuleus, 11 February 2025 - 02:33 PM.