caravann, on 13 March 2025 - 12:52 AM, said:
It was a choice to not make mechwarrior 5 : clans into a trilogy with presequel and sequel as nobody knows about it.
Only mechwarrior fans knows about Robot Jox where Alexander Kerensky realize he is the lesser evil as he doesn't want anyone else to take his place and he create a new alliance who would later create "The exodus war" where inner sphere kept people as prisoners from reaching the periphery. This influence of houses ended the star league by plotting behind their back to take over the galaxy by replacing mechwarriors with loyalists to Comstar. The mechwarriors of old ways were sent to prisons while children were conscripted by tyrants of a directorate. As the exodus war ended when Alexander finally escaped inner sphere is as well why Clans of the old ways fear to return while the infant clans want to war as they were bred into warmachines.
Mechwarrior 5 clans never explain the motivation behind the clans. There is no world building and since the world doesn't exist there is no destination. Mechwarrior 5 mercenaries had at least the concept of a world outside the mech.
The main reason why , if you heard about Titanfall , the game was released in such way in purpose ensure nobody would find it as technological achievements were considered impossible to continue improving. Nobody has copied Titanfall for a reason. It takes innovation but it doesn't change that Titanfall is forgotten as this is what the company wants.
The fact is that the mechs you see in the games is not the lore but the mechs allowed to be used. Mechs who were common like the wasp is unseen. And how many years of stagnation and we see the same mechs, again. Light mechs are common and was a constant challenge on who could make the best warmachine that it became a piss contest to have the biggest mech, no matter if the mech itself was any better. The penalty of engine size increases at 70 ton while 55 to 65 ton mechs have the best engine sizes.
The inner sphere didn't dropped 100 ton mechs inside a Leopard and I had voice chat wars inside MWO where certain fans start to rage about the false lore. The inner sphere used fortress dropships for 100 ton mechs who were guards. Inner sphere didn't had a drop tonnage limit but a total tonnage limit of all mechs combined. The 100 tons are bosses to be feared.
Drop location as one side is clustered by dropped in 30 seconds 30s x 4 = 2 mimutes delay while the other side are all spawned inside a big dropship. One side has to wait and becomes defenders. Both sides gain 2 mechs each but one side has to wait until enough are defeated to create a lance as them need leopards while a fortress has everything.
This changes a lot how each side is favored strength. The players are self unable to create lances but can be pushed around to favor teamwork as part of a social experiment.
Mech sizes has to be given a chance to shine. Light mechs works in lances while a 100 ton works in pairs.
The 2 mech system could further benefit 2 player based games or 4 player based games up to 6 players. Since mechwarrior games used to take place outside big battles. 2 players are able to create a lance and autobots been around since the battletech game was released. But this concept works in singleplayer. You don't need 4 mechs and use the lance system who even the inner sphere had stopped using and instead used odd drops like 2 mechs,2 support vehicles, 2 vtols. These 2 vtols they're the camera for each player.
Yes even in the mechwarrior universe there are drones but it's cold war drones.
People are attached to cats and dogs as they're children to them. That's why Gundam was selling children to adults.
As people getting older they have less compassion for young adults and higher as such for children. Since old people in their mind recession back to young adulthood they don't see it romantic to have a black mirror of themselves , adult but helpless to people stronger than them, awkward attempts to be adult but incapable. It's a cliche that young adults are sent to fight wars of old men, in jealousy of the young men who have become equals.
Here’s a TOEFL-style evaluation of your writing, based on the four TOEFL writing scoring criteria:
1. Development (1-5 points)
Score: 2/5
Your response contains many ideas, but they are not clearly developed or well-supported. There are interesting points about MechWarrior, Titanfall, and Gundam, but the connections between them are unclear. Some ideas are introduced but not explained in depth, and the lack of clear examples or structured arguments weakens the impact.
2. Organization (1-5 points)
Score: 1.5/5
The response lacks a clear structure. It jumps from one topic to another without transitions or logical flow. Some sentences feel disconnected, making it hard for the reader to follow the main argument. The discussion about MechWarrior moves abruptly to Titanfall, then to game mechanics, and finally to an unrelated discussion about Gundam and aging, without clear connections.
3. Language Use (1-5 points)
Score: 1.5/5
There are frequent grammar mistakes, awkward phrasing, and missing words that make the text difficult to understand. For example:
- "Only mechwarrior fans knows about Robot Jox" → should be "Only MechWarrior fans know about Robot Jox."
- "The inner sphere didn't dropped 100 ton mechs" → should be "The Inner Sphere didn't drop 100-ton mechs."
- "Since old people in their mind recession back to young adulthood" → unclear and awkward phrasing.
Many sentences are too long and confusing, making it difficult for a reader to grasp the intended meaning.
4. Vocabulary (1-5 points)
Score: 2/5
There is some variety in vocabulary, but frequent repetition (e.g., “MechWarrior,” “inner sphere,” “mechs”) and awkward phrasing reduce clarity. The use of gaming-specific terms is fine, but without explanation, they make the response hard to understand for a general audience.
Final Score: 7/20
(Approximate TOEFL Writing Score:
Areas for Improvement:
- Improve structure – Use clear paragraphs and logical transitions. Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea.
- Clarify ideas – Support your points with examples and explanations. Don’t assume the reader understands game-specific lore.
- Fix grammar and sentence structure – Use shorter, clearer sentences to improve readability.
- Use transitions – Connect ideas smoothly instead of jumping between topics abruptly.
(grading by ChatGPT because I can't be bothered to read it let alone grade it)
Edited by BrioS, 15 March 2025 - 03:10 AM.