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Routing Issue To Us

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#1 Stitchedup


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Posted Today, 01:14 AM


Iam having a hard time getting games, i am based in Australia but recently the ping to the US is 300ms plus making imposable for me to contribute to my team and the AUS severs are almost empty expect for some fool hardy north Americans and the odd aussie.

I have been told it is routing issue possibly even connected to the war in Ukraine, with under sea cables being cut.

is there any hope of us getting back to a sub 200ms ping or is this is just the way things are now?

thanks for 10 plus years of fun

Edited by Stitchedup, Today, 01:14 AM.

#2 sycocys


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Posted Today, 03:35 AM

I popped up the steam stats last night, they've sunk down to 500 from there and I'd hazard a guess to maybe match that amount from the independent launcher based on the match search times. 1k players is about 40 concurrent matches before you consider tier gates.

There's a pretty reasonable chance they are rolling away from or shutting down the extra servers just due to the low player counts, or simply that the low amount of remaining players is primarily in NA and have others shut off if they haven't yet shifted off those servers.

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