She's a pretty tough cookie, but she definitely isn't a looker. All those angular plates, the almost vertical front contours, and the almost cartoonish helmet head are certainly a challenge for the art team. However, the victor definitely has some iconic lines to work with. Buffing out the chest, accenting those shoulder plates, and working those interesting calf plates into a greave-like articulation could definitely give this 'mech a great style.
Seeing work on the Jenner and the Stalker, I have every faith in their concept artists and, seeing many of the 'mechs in action in the preview videos, I'm eager to see what they can do with some of the great Battletech visual lemons.

Gangly proportions, long legs that go all the way down, and an almost comically boxy torso will definitely make this one a challenge. This one is important, since the Vindicator is the iconic Cappellan battlemech. Making something that looks good moving and jumping, and can still stand as a peer in size and punch with the Centurion and the Hunchback is going to be tough.

After seeing the Jagermech, I've got some hope for this one here. The Javelin has always been one of the cringeworthy designs in Battletech, and I'm eager to see what their art team can do with Fat Al McPaddlefoot.
And there are dozens of others that are just bad. The Clint, the Wolfhound, the Quickdraw and its stupid head, the Falcon and its stupid head... the list goes on.
And then there are the stylized 'mechs. Certain Houses, especially Kurita and Liao, designed deliberately stylized 'Mechs for cultural reasons. What is the art team going to do with the Hatamoto-Chi, one of the iconic Draconis 'mechs of the Clan invasion era?
So what 'mechs are you looking forward to seeing reenvisioned, and what 'mechs are you dreading falling under MWO's surgical knife? Are there any designs you think are unsalvageable for MWO's current vision?