Rasen, I'd stick you in 'above average' unless you stick to 'I refitted a battlemaster with jumpjets all alone!' Then you're up in the god category for insane technician skills
Dai, a full mechbay is pretty much a factory. They're not like a car repair shop where if it hits a wall it's a writeoff. Battlemechs are expensive and for a very long time, a lot of mechs were simply not recoverable. An average mechbay can replace internal structure, including rebuilding it when it's straight out missing. An advanced one can build and design it's own control chips and build it's own parts, in a limited capacity. Ie, they're not going to be spitting out a mech a year or anything, but they can knock together a shoulder bracket for an Awesome if they have to in a few weeks. As long as Rasen has access to such a place, and the time and money, he can pay to have it done. But refitting a Battlemaster with jump jets would not cost over 2 million cbills.
I think we're all fine with the plate to aid with healing, but it really wouldn't add anything but the slimmest protection. Also, my apology above about the myomer was intended as a 'Oh that's okay then', but again, where did you get the money for it? The IS does not have healthcare insurance - all of this would have come out your own wallet. First they'd have stabilized you, then checked your bank balance before doing reconstructive surgery. Such would be my interpretation anyway.
Also, you can't get annoyed at us for thinking he remembers, when you tell us that he remembers, not that he saw it on a cam later. If you don't put it in, we simply don't know
Things like that and your bag of miscellaneous metal clanky things that will no doubt be revealed as a bag of holding that has just what we need for any situation make us think your character is OP.
Take a look at Chaos' character. She's got a lot of skill, and an Atlas. But she goes in 'Above normal' because that's all she has. The Quartet has all 'Above Average' characters (Admittedly a couple toeing the elite line slightly), but we all get bumped into elite wholesale because we have resources (A tech team, 6 VTOLs and 2 platoons of infantry) at our beck and call. The reason this is okay is because we're a preformed unit with 5 years of history - not one character with 3 NPC mechwarriors and all the support assets. We've also made clear to Xin that they'll be used sparingly - our VTOLs will not be leading a vanguard! The support assets get called in for the jobs we can't do, like storm a bunker. If any RP I was running had one player try to pull that off, I'd ban him. When 4 players come together with it, it's a reward for teamwork and good storytelling.
@CG, that looks like a full cooling suit, which I think don't get invented until after the clan invasion. Which annoys me. If you can figure out how to cool a vest, how can you not figure out how to cool sleeves and trousers...Maybe they had too many problems with mechwarriors getting frostbite on their balls. Who knows? You'd need to okay that with Xin, but if it was me since I can't think of a single reason why not having a cooling suit would make sense, as long as you can come up with a way to justify it's construction and acquisition, I'd have no problems with it!