I had Compaq 3ghz with all sorts of goodies before but the motherboard cracked and it won't stay for over 15min at a time now, it's essentially dead. So now I'm using an old 1.2 ghz PC from 1999 I had in a closet for work. The PC from 1999 obviously won't cut it and I can't just pull the money out of my wazoo to buy a new [/color]game machine for many months to come.
Yes, that does have to suck. I'm sure if you can scrounge up some money, you should be able to get enough before the actual release of the game. Maybe...
Winston McCrutchley, on 02 August 2012 - 01:58 AM, said:
That's a total bummer! I kinda know how you feel, though (Same thing happened, no games coming out I wanted). Last year, my motherboard overheated in the summer heat (I was living in an attic, basically, with virtually no air flow... it cooked itself). It sucks pretty bad. Hopefully, you'll have something similar to what happened to me happen, and get a surprisingly expensive birthday gift from your roommate/friends/parents/Santa/who-ever-the-hell-else loves you... I owed soooooooooooooo many dish-washings after that though.
Haha, similar thing happened to me. I was (and still am) on house cleaning duties :S