Greetings Warriors.
Firstly, i would like to run the creation of this clan by the community as a whole, to get the idea out there, and in a sort of sense gain the approval of the community that i love, for creation of the Clan i wish to build.
Now, as you may have noticed, this is not a canon clan name, however, looks very similar to one.
There is a reason for this, as explained in the backstory of my clan.
To make this short and simple, Clan SnowFox is a self exiled Star of warriors from Seafox, who felt it more important to branch off and claim their own planetary legacy.
Living in a clan more focused on market and talk, the warriors felt their talents were going to waste, and so, to represent their cold, but not ice cold craving for war, they chose the arctic fox of old terra to represent them.
Quick, clever, intelligent, agile, working often in pairs and other pack formations.
This clan will exist through a small loophole in the canon story, as it is almost impossible to really say a single star of warriors could not have left the clan to carve their own futures.
But i did still ask approval on this idea, so let the opinions commence.
This is also a recruitment thread, we currently do not use voice chat, however, you are free to use it when grouping with us. at the current moment we have 4 points of mech in our star.
I hope to build up to at least a full cluster, and the final point in my personal star will remain open to the warrior who earns it.
Although we do not use voice chat, we do still work closely together as a team. so if you can type fast, or talk, either way will work just fine. I hold open a channel for aftermatch talk/planning, as well as for voice, however you will need xfire to access it, and you will need to add me on xfire to be invited to it, as it is a locked room.
Newer and older players alike are welcome in our clan.
We prefer people who have at least a basic understanding and knowledge of the Clans, however, we will still recruit and teach people who are new to the BT lore. questions are always welcome.
We are unlike most clans, in that we are all freeborn warriors, and share similarities with Ghost Bear, but we still hold pride in honor.
If you wish to join us, add me on xfire, or in-game. my xfire is kachekarisa and my in-game name, obviously, is Nisaki. To join, there will be a quick and short interview.
Let the criticizing commence.
Star Captain Rinoa Kishko, out.
Clan SnowFox Formation and Recruitment
Started by Nisaki, Oct 28 2012 08:30 AM
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