I came across this idea back in the MW 3/4 days (I'm sure I wasn't the only one) when the tabletop to video game rules conversion debate raged on (and still does). I think we were all complaining that mechs died too quickly and we all wanted the battle between two 100 ton machines to last a lot longer. There were all kinds of reasons for this - boating, pinpoint accuracy with the reticle, etc. and some of the BT purists were advocating the concept of weapons spread (and similart concepts) being introduced akin to what can happen in the board game. Personally, I'm against that idea of randomness being injected into the game when there are other ways to solve the root problem - how do we make mechs last longer? I believe one of the ways (there are others and a combination of several may be in order) is with the concept of "Armor Granularity".
In previous games we have been used to what is essentially 8 areas, or hitboxes" where you can register a strike on a mech. They are:
Right Arm
Right Torso
Center Torso
Left Torso
Right Leg
Left Leg
In the past, if you could get 3 or 4 hits on the CT of a mech (or less depending on your weapons loadout) they'd go down as the CT was a pretty large area on most mechs and you didn't have to be too accurate to register a hit - just be in the general vicinity and you'd score. What I'd like to see is more hitboxes in each area as a more logical way to combat the problem of mechs dying too quickly. It could be done in a couple of ways.
1) Additional Fixed Hitboxes:
This would work whereby the CT (as an example) was still the CT we know and love from a mechlab perspective. It would have so many slots, spaces or whatever, to stick your gear in (engine, weapons, ammo, electronics, etc.). However, from the perspective of registering a hit, the CT would actually have 4 (again, as an example - whatever number makes sense could be inserted here) actual hitboxes all with the same armor rating. If the armor rating for the CT in the mechlab was 20 then each hitbox has 20 points of armor. In order to destroy the CT completely you have to destroy all 4 hitboxes. I think a workable system could be (26 hitboxes total):
CT = 4
RT = 4
LT = 4
RA = 3
LA = 3
RL = 3
LL = 3
Head = 2
Associated with each hitbox would be a piece of gear like an engine point, a weapon(s), ammo cache, etc. such that every time a hitbox was destroyed a critical hit was registered which might slow down the engine, destroy a weapon, cause you to loose your ammo, etc.
2) Dynamic Hitbox Creation:
Similar to the above but now the hitboxes are dynamically created based on your mech's design. So, if you had 2 weapons in the RA the system would create 2 hitboxes in the arm for you to destroy. If you had 2 weapons, 2 ammo loads and a heatsink in the RT then there would be 5 hitboxes created (or activated menaing they are all preset but activated -available to be destroyed- only when you drop some gear in there).
This concept has several benefits in my mind including:
a) it clearly will increase the lifespan of a mech in battle
b ) it doesn't inject something unrealistic and arbitrary as weapons spread (if I aim at something and pull the trigger I expect to hit it not have my weaons fire miss because the game decided I would)
c) it still rewards for accurate aiming and firing (there shouldn't be a penalty for accurate aiming skills afterall)
d) its realistic in that it makes you hit specifc areas of the torso over and over again instead of just hitting what amounts to the side of a barn (literally if its an Atlas we are talking about) in order to kill a mech
e) it gives us the "critical hit" we loved from MW2 that cased the loss of weapons, ammo to explode or engines to lose power if sections of a mech were destroyed
A lot of this depends on what the mechlab will lool like and how much customizaiton you can do. In MW2 you could do just about anything which was gradually reduced up to MW4. So, if you can't choose where to put your engine criticals or heatsinks a la MW2 then there'd have to be some fixed positioning of the criticals in the CT, etc. (which would be fine too).
Edited by DEVASTATOR, 13 January 2012 - 02:24 PM.