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Anyone else from the old school?

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#1 Helmet


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 04:08 AM

Hey guys, I'm Helmet. Played the old MW pc games online. Played the original table top dice and hex map game as a kid. Was in the old Starlance league and whatever the other one was that came up after it. I remember the guys in Blackbeards crew like Pegleg etc.. I was in Clan Goliath Scorpion with SteelDragon and Earlybrown. i was GS_Helmet. Anyone remember the old leagues i'm refering too? Nice to be back once again. Hard to belive it's been over 10 years since those ladder league days.

#2 Dymitry


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 04:28 AM

Hello, and welcome! You might want to look at this topic http://mwomercs.com/...ckgrounds-here/ to find answers. You will find that many of us are indeed long time fans.

#3 Carn Kell


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 06:45 AM


i played in the old times league, KH_Havoc was my call sign. and yes its hard to believe its 10 years past since then :)

and i was actually wondering the same, did send mails out to all my old contacts from back then, but sadly i havent gotten any reply.
was hoping there would be some kind of Kell Hounds unit again with maybe some of the old guys.

Edited by Carn Kell, 06 August 2012 - 07:16 AM.

#4 Samuikaze


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 07:52 AM

Good day Helmet, there are in fact many old timers knocking about, many of them are just lurking in the background waiting for the moment this all gets going. :)

#5 TizZ


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 08:10 AM

Alot of us are old timers and im sure there will be zimmer frames and walking sticks in the mechbay to help us on the battlefield ;)

#6 Max Pain


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Posted 25 September 2012 - 06:12 PM

View PostHelmet, on 06 August 2012 - 04:08 AM, said:

Hey guys, I'm Helmet. Played the old MW pc games online. Played the original table top dice and hex map game as a kid. Was in the old Starlance league and whatever the other one was that came up after it. I remember the guys in Blackbeards crew like Pegleg etc.. I was in Clan Goliath Scorpion with SteelDragon and Earlybrown. i was GS_Helmet. Anyone remember the old leagues i'm refering too? Nice to be back once again. Hard to belive it's been over 10 years since those ladder league days.

ahh I had forgotten all about blackbeard and pegleg and those guys... those guys we're some heavy hitters as I recall....

#7 MW2 Hillbilly


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 11:58 AM

Played MW2, 3 and all of the 4's. Other call signs used were 13th_GR10, Ghostrider_10. I hope to get back in touch with some of my old friends someday...

#8 The Dirteeone


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 12:10 PM

I played MW3 and 4 on the Mic game zone,and played in the P2K league also.I used to play with Blastedmek, Merlin, Phenix, and some others.I wish I could find Blast and his wife Red,they are nice people.I am 44 yrs old and before the Beta it's been about 8 yrs since I last played.

#9 Deatonis


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 12:22 PM

Welcome, I think most of us are old fans lol. When Pc gamer releases keys we'll probably be seeing alot more new faces that are brand new. I started back on mw2, and also owned the original mw3.

#10 SilentWolff


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 12:23 PM

Old school KE in the house. Heres a link you might find amusing Helmet..

#11 Ikikaeru


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 12:43 PM

Played the hex (Battle tech) and have the lead and pewter minies. Played all the computer games as well and even the console games ( = / )
We still play hex map once and a while with friends from back in the day. Love the game and stories.

#12 deforce


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 01:29 PM

I think most of the people with founder or in BETA for that matter are from old school MW. This game is hardly a mainstrem game like CoD etc. I only cam across this game because I was installing MW mercenaries(my fav MW game) for a little blast from the past action. And googled something and an ad for this came up.

I hope, but doubt the final MWO poduct will be close to or like MW mercenaries.

#13 Ronin Cahill


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 05:48 PM

Ya good old starlance league. was the same name there. was the sha khan of star adder. loved the cauldron born and blackhawk. I have high hopes for this game, some of which are slightly crushed with the engine maxes being lowered inthis build though. All in all still a good game. I was hoping to see a room launch system, similar to the star lance system so we can choose planets to drop into etc.
ahh nastalga
Ronin Cahill

#14 Name140704


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 05:56 PM

Heya helmet,

I started playing online for mw3. When netmech was big we only had a 14.4 modem and that made gaming impossibe. I was SM_NARCoMAN_X, then RW_NARCoMAN_X in mw3.

Good to see the "old" gang. I'm only 29 too lol.

#15 Berwulf


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 06:09 PM

I was a member of The Dark Caste in Mw3 and MW4 still using the same name now :D

Edited by Berwulf, 28 September 2012 - 06:09 PM.

#16 Barbaric Soul


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 11:29 AM

I ran the compitition side of MWL

#17 Hellen Wheels


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 12:21 PM

View PostHelmet, on 06 August 2012 - 04:08 AM, said:

Hey guys, I'm Helmet. Played the old MW pc games online. Played the original table top dice and hex map game as a kid. Was in the old Starlance league and whatever the other one was that came up after it. I remember the guys in Blackbeards crew like Pegleg etc.. I was in Clan Goliath Scorpion with SteelDragon and Earlybrown. i was GS_Helmet. Anyone remember the old leagues i'm refering too? Nice to be back once again. Hard to belive it's been over 10 years since those ladder league days.

Yea, those leagues were a blast! I still poke around The Killing Zone once in a while, just for old times sake LOL the page is still chugging along at www.tkz.net . Any <T>emplars still around? I remember Banditman, he got me started in Netmech leagues. Grand Council was plenty fun. Sadly, that page is gone. Then there was the Free Worlds League (?) and (as I recall) Everquest and the other MMORPGs pretty much killed the netmech stars, along with Tribes. Last I heard Clan Smoke Jag still hosts a Netmech game on Kali once in a blue moon. A lot of those guys hang around dropshipcommand nowadays.

#18 Mavryek


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 06:57 PM

I miss the good ole Netmech days and the leagues that played there and on Kali. Those were some solid planetary leagues! I went by Mavrick on Netmech ran with guys like Havoc and Trick and many more names that wont come to me now, we did have some fun running and gunning. Good to see some of are still out here playing.

#19 Cornuto


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 08:33 PM

Technically my first "Mech" game was Battle Tech on the Commodore 64, but seeing the Mechwarrior display in the computer store is what convinced me to a get a pentium. It has been quite a while but I knew this game would be coming back. For someone who spent so much time in single player, I'm doing horribly compared to the shooters and MMOs I play these days, but I'm sure I'll figure it out in due time. Really wish clans would wait until AFTER the beta to get established so I don't have to face a bunch of teamspeakers while I'm trying to test... but that's beta for you.

#20 Zacariah Ixminis


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Posted 06 October 2012 - 03:51 PM

I started on a 386sx 16 with an 8-bit version of Mechwarrior, or was it the tabletop game first? I got a taste of both at about the same time. Playing Teamspeakers isn't so bad... it's a factor, but it's more about which side is coordinated and backs the coordination up with skill (from a team perspective).

It had been sooooooooooo long since I had played the last MW computer game, that starting MWO was a very "where the heck are my training wheels, I need some" experience. That being said, I like a good P.U.G. just as much as a good TEAM game. They can both be enjoyable provided the skill and coordination of both sides is relatively similar. Now, when there are AFK cred farmers and suiciders on your P.U.G. team, yeah, that can stink.


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