II had to admit, i play the MWLL in the old times, around one and a half - two years ago. As i recall i'm hated the PA's, the baserape-oriented game mechanics and the very un-textured modells.
I get the feeling, i need to try the "new" 0.5 version, so installed the Crysis Wars. then the the 0.5 MWLL. The loader patch themself up, this thing i liked, and missed in the earlier versions. I played, I tried to play more accurately, about three-quarters of the hours on a single server, where there was life (24 players). And now the MWLL was removed from my computer. Briefly: the memories came back, why i'm disappointing in the back.
In brief:
-Remains in beta state. If you want to change the game keyconfigot, it is hopeless, you must leave the game to do so. Alt-Tab switch the game into windowed mode, so you need re-enter to the menu and switch back to full screen. Ok, i'm a bit unfair, i do not stuck now, in the past, that's a big problem in several maps.
-Ride the Mech will continue as a cabaret. Sure I'm lame, but generally i can't mount the first try on my Mech. Fortunately, the tanks have no such problem. : P
-Terrible that you can not save the Group layout. At a Mech with 5-6 weapon you need 10-15 seconds to set the weapongroups.
-The graphics are ... So we can say okay. But no. Rather, I say it that ugly. But by no means beautiful. It is not that long ago I played with Mechcommander 2, which is non a polygon orgy, actually it was 10 years old game. At the time, the GeForce 3 was the ultimate graphics card. So i can live with outdated graphics. But the MWLL are make me nervous. The main problem is the lack of the textures. I swear in the Mechwarrior 2 also seems to me that we've seen the Wolf Clan and Jade Falcon Clan logos, and minimal camouflage (ed: I looked quickly, it really was). In the MWLL, we do not have nicely painted mech's, nor camouflage, nor any logos.
But please, this is the CryEngine, which can be present ultimate visuals, physics, effect. But no, not really spectacular of any kind. The terrain is mostly simple, the Mech modells are not bad, it they have good textured, but the do not have. The damage presentation also weak (laughable in this area of the Mechwarrior 3 are the peak, sparking wires hanging from the ripped of arms), the environment does not really destructable. So be it, i overlook the graphics if the game would be fun anyway.
-But it is not. At least half of a minute, until I buy and mount my vehicle or meche, another 10-20 seconds, until I set the weapon groups. At the end i directly choose only homogeneous armed vehicles. Partizan rulz. : P
Okay, go to the battle. The first battle after almost two years. And what i see? Two PA play waltz with two Mech and two vehicle (one of them was i). And that takes minutes. In the end with bloody throat, damaged all over. Again, two PA beat rag town and held up our small team near our base. Anyway, let's get rollin. But suddenly just a great "nuclear explosion" and die. I think maybe Long Tom? No worries. Revived. In a Mech, for a change. Spend almost two minutes until ride up, and leave the base. I'm joined to an Awesome,.I'll be a good weapon carrier for him.
We get shoots from far away, so be it, damn the LRM boats. Take cover, radar OFF, sneaking forward. The Awesome begin to fire (and get fire) from a distance, where he cannot see a thing. Lovely. Anyway, thanks for some miracle, i get behind a Mad Cat, hehe, i beat you well, chuckling. But even as I start to shoot, get an Oro in my back, and when i try to counter (and turn on my radar, to see what kind of trouble i stepped) i realized i'm a dead meat. My wrecked body was raped badly.
So it goes on. It's a hardly enjoyable, confusing gameplay, crackling by PA's, and sometimes shocking scenes (usually the most successful attack are built around four Demolisher), then from across the world coming Arrow IV 's, LRM's, and Long Toms love packs.
I'm sorry, but I will not propagate to the number of players in MWLL...
I believe (and believe too when i play more often) the game have some potential, but wan't too much, and provide too less. Why have VTOL's and Aerospace vehicles, and above all, why have PA's? But okay, then let PA's, but not as Mechwarrior's! You cannot pilot a Mech in a PA! Come on, this make no sense at all! Let only the ground vehicles and the Mech's in the game, and make faster, easier buying / riding.
I praised the lack of textures, so i won't repeat myself too much.
I don't really like the artillery too. In the old times the NARC / TAG and LRM / Arrow IV. combo rule the game. Several attempt of rushing for close-combat happens, but mostly ended badly. Very badly. In this 45 minutes of game i encounter some good close-combat with heavier vehicles, but harrased by PA's all the time, so the long-range combat not as over-represented, as then, but the Long Tom is annoying.
Make it easier, make it simplier, and i'm on it. In the current version? No way, thanks. I rather play Mechcommander 2 or Mechwarrior 3, if i'm feel the need of a good Battletech game... Until the MWO coming.
Edited by Cifu, 23 November 2011 - 12:50 AM.