Jakob Knight, on 11 August 2012 - 07:52 AM, said:
Then you should realize that what you are asking for is not just gathering of data, but real-time, instantaneous evaluation of that data and implementation of consequences concurrent to the operating code of the game already in place. The evaluation criteria for an AI to determine if a player is being 'honorable' would, itself, require vast resources, considering even Humans disagree on what that means. For the game itself to make decisions on each shot, positioning of the combatants, and the actions of the mechwarrior in regards to the guidelines you outlined would mean a -ton- of new code and intrusive subroutines that would just beg for a host of bugs and hacks.
I gave criterea in a earlier post that can be easily scripted in. AI doesn't factor into this, this is no different then a XP system where players are rewarded for actions. Things like Clan player A is firing on IS player A gets registered, but having Clan player B fire at IS player A would trigger a breach in the code of conduct.
You don't know my perception, you are assuming because of a throw away reference, it's a gamble at best.
At any rate, I was referencing the honor system in MW2 because it had sever punishments for firing at a friendly unit.
Clan tech on the IS market would quickly make IS tech extinct. All that work on the IS mechs would have been nothing if they did that. With your proposal they might as well have created a game set during the Wars of Reaving.
If the Inner Sphere does not follow Clan ROE, then the Clans are freed from the need to do so. They then suffer no penalties, and destroy the IS forces due to superior technology and combined fire.
If the Inner Sphere does follow Clan ROE, then the Clans suffer no penalties and destroy the IS forces due to superior technology and individual restricted combat.
The IS side will always outnumber the Clan side since a 1 on 1 ratio can't work unless they nerf Clan tech again. You probably never did any research into Clan honor, but Clan players would gain a great bonus if they fought multiple opponents at the same time in a trial.
Getting multiple guys to challenge a Clan player would give a boost to the Clan player. Having the trial devolve into a grand melee will allow the other Clan players to take shots whenever a target presented itself.
You can actually work this to your advantage as a IS player.
BV balancing would work way better here. BV2 has its flaws, but it gives a good indication.
And besides, the Clan players should have a bidding system in place to decide who gets to go fight the IS side.
If there ever was a textbook case of not getting it, then this would be it.
In RP you don't need to program the restrictions in. Coding them in will get the Clan players to behave moderately like the Clans should.
People love grinding for XP and whatnot, giving punishments in that area for not following the proper codes of conduct will ensure that their character's development is slowed down to a crawl.
MWO is different in the regard that it is completely based around multiplayer, the other games had multiplayer as a secondary feature. Certain mechanisms need to be put into place to avoid abuse in multiplayer.
No offense, but bringing up bugs and coding errors is a rather weak excuse. There will always be bugs, with that reasoning they shouldn't include anymore new content after release since there might be bugs.
Check your Calender again, the Clans are already in the Periphery. The actual incursion into the IS is March next year.
There are plenty of players, but there are even more who don't understand the universe that this game is set in. Your own conclusions are more based on assumptions which you treat as fact, not a good thing if you want to have a serious debate.
Edited by Stormwolf, 12 August 2012 - 09:38 AM.