Thur. Jan 26, 3049: Atrean Hussars petition LCCC for new Foresight exercise; obviously a desire to showcase their re-incarnation since ’46.

ISN News Flash
Started by InnerSphereNews, Jan 26 2012 09:00 AM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 26 January 2012 - 09:00 AM
Posted 26 January 2012 - 09:12 AM
Facing a contentious Parliament, with the provinces beginning to make extensive use of the Home Defense Act to withhold troop support from the Captain-General, Samuel Marik attempted get around this situation by forming a new regiment called the Atrean Hussars directly loyal to him and equipped using captured Capellan BattleMechs in 2923. However, the nature of the unit's origins and, until the FWLM's expansion in the 3040s, status as the youngest regiment in the League prevented them from attracting competent leadership. While not lacking in supplies or equipment, they also did not get the best opportunities for combat or salvage.
The Hussars' poor performance became notorious when a raid on Solaris in 3043 ended in disaster. The final nail in the coffin seemed to have occurred in 3045, when a stray round killed their CO, Eleanor Wansi, during some military exercises on Abadan. Already suffering heavy losses in the war games, unit morale collapsed and the LCCC began organizing the paperwork to disband the unit. It was the unit's then-XO Annya Baker who successfully argued for one last chance to reverse the Hussars' fortunes, in the face of severe repercussions if she failed.
Baker's response was the "Harrowing" -- a brutal purge of troublemakers and those unwilling to devote themselves to the Hussars. A third of the unit was dismissed within a month of Baker taking command, leaving barely two battalions remaining, but those that were left were driven yet further by the "cast-iron bitch of the highest order" to their limits and beyond. Baker's superiors' trust was rewarded when Hussars faced the elite of the League forces in the Foresight '46 exercises, fighting like demons and taking down almost twice their number in Marik Militia and Free Worlds Guards regiments before being defeated.
Edited by Ghost, 26 January 2012 - 10:06 AM.
Posted 26 January 2012 - 09:17 AM
Yea, they sucked when they attacked Solaris, they still suck, and will suck.
Or, perhaps they are really though for everyone else, but the people of Skye (you gotta consider that)
Marik vermin.
Or, perhaps they are really though for everyone else, but the people of Skye (you gotta consider that)
Marik vermin.
Posted 26 January 2012 - 12:25 PM
Well, the Atrean Hussars are clearly not a showcase unit of the FWLM. But considering their origins and the problems with supply and replacement those entailed, not surprising. Always somewhat harder to be the "new kid on the block", not only in dealing with the government bureaucracy. Also I would like to point out the recent raid on Hsien that was judged as being quite successful, considering the Hussars managed to pin down the whole 2nd FedCom RCT long enough to achieve the mission objectives. And that despite being inferior in numbers and Mech weight both.
If you look at the Mech tables and background material for them in FM:FWL, you will discover how they are more of a raiding force and not a heavy regiment, specializing in manoeuver warfare. By now the upgrade of the basic equipment including Mechs to a fairly modernized composition is showing its first effects (no thanks to the LCCC originally). Although all-in-all, the Atrean Hussars still have only an average equipment rating for a FWLM unit.
If you look at the Mech tables and background material for them in FM:FWL, you will discover how they are more of a raiding force and not a heavy regiment, specializing in manoeuver warfare. By now the upgrade of the basic equipment including Mechs to a fairly modernized composition is showing its first effects (no thanks to the LCCC originally). Although all-in-all, the Atrean Hussars still have only an average equipment rating for a FWLM unit.
Edited by Dlardrageth, 26 January 2012 - 01:18 PM.
Posted 26 January 2012 - 04:25 PM
from the dust bin to the front line under one womans iron fist using anger as a motivator. thatsa pretty impressive surival for a military unit of lights and mediums to accomplish.
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