Infine, on 02 November 2011 - 06:37 AM, said:
Ramboing clans will ruin this game. Let's assume there's about even numbers of diehard IS and Clan fans (though I highly doubt that, most likely there are more clanners). Then there are beginners who don't care about lore, affilation and all that stuff. 95% of them just want to pwn. 5% are hardcore mazos that like "challenge". What you get is after sufficent time has passed and everyone and their dog got access to the clan side, instead of persistend world you will have a small and shrinking (because even the most loyal supporter has only that much patience of being on the recieving end of a Rambo rampage all the time) population of IS fans and hordes of Timber Wolfs circlejerking in endless clan trials.
The idea of quantity side VS quality side where you can eventually get into the second one is a pyramid scheme and as such has a predictable outcome.
There is concern there, but keep in mind a few things.
-There's most likely going to be some system in place to keep the level of conquest from going completely off the rails,
as I don't think PGI is going to be able to handle something that throws the game completely off canon events-
like say the Clans making it all the way to Terra, or completely over running the DC. Probably increasing level of
difficulty the further you get outside canon, at the very least.
-There's probably going to be fights outside the Clan invasion corridor. Setting up shop on the LC/FWL border (or the FS/CC and FS/DC borders) pretty much negates having to fight the Clans. Having all the toys/numbers in the world doesn't help if not enough people come to fight you- look at Horde/Alliance number balance issues in WoW for instance. I can foresee a lot of Clan players twiddling their thumbs waiting to fight an IS force.
Edited by blackjack jones, 02 November 2011 - 07:12 AM.