2. bribe or buy one off somebody. ( note this may not work as theie is a 99.7% chance the beta key is probably coded to the account it was sent to so you paid good mone for nothing )
3. Get a D.E.S.T. Sneak suit, A blazer rifle, a viboro katana, an eletronic lock pick, a Map of the building. then you scale up to the roof bypass the secuirty systems. pump knock out gass into the air ducts. slip down in through the air duct. move siently towards the server room using your eletronic lock pick on the door then knock out the point of elementals that Paul has placed in the room. Then hack the system to give your self a key then to cover your tacks so they dont know its you you passed a few thousand more keys to cover your tracks. then you need to make your escape out the air duct into the ladies room and down the hall and head out the back way. ( now we dont recomend this one as if your caught you get hard time in a Com Star Labor camp and thats no fun. )
4 Storm PGI in your trusty battle mech. but be warned ive hear rumors that Russ and Paul keep a full galaxy of front line mechs in the mech bay. So this would not seam very likely for you to even make it to the fence line. necause you have to fight past the tower guns and the mines then make it past there mechs and then you have to dismount to enter the building to get the data See item 3 for further details on what to do next.
I know option one is very hard but it is the safest bet of all the choices you have.
Edited by Xantars, 16 June 2012 - 04:38 PM.