So, here's some basic info. The 275th is going to be operating completely freelance, going where the good fighting is, which is naturally where the good pay is. We'll be starting on hired with the Lyran Commonwealth until there are some good and clear lines drawn as to which faction needs mercenary support the most, and then we will be moving to them.
We'll be moving on a monthly basis, again depending on where we're needed and how many operations we can keep active at any given time, as well as other factors such as standing Alliances and Corp member input. We have a ranking system in the works so there will be opportunities for advancement and even having your own Command.
This Merc Corp is mostly casual, but more serious combatants are welcome to join. More serious players will be put into teams with other more serious players, unless there is a specific reason (such as training) to do otherwise.
We would also like to invite Roleplayers into the Corp. It's not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged.
This is a brand new Corp with a few members, and so new members have a good chance of early advancement and Lance command, should they want it. We're all playing it by ear at the moment, so questions are welcome and encouraged if your interest is at all piqued.
We now have a website! It's not much to look at but it has all of the necessities. Feedback is welcome for improvement.
Also, we will have a Teamspeak server! So look forward to that.
Edited by Aderas Keegan, 11 July 2012 - 02:10 AM.