I want to ask has anyone else has heard/play of this indy game. for those that never heard of it Airmech is a top down shooter with strategy elements with heavy inspiration from the genesis game herzog zwei(duel 2 for you non German speakers). the player is put in the cockpit of a Variable fighter (or land air mech) like vehicle that transform from aircraft to soldier. Also you have a base to build units. you have a total of 8 you can have and can give them orders (except infantry they automatically go after outposts and enemy bases) while you drop them into combat. you can also choose pilots each with different strengths and weaknesses along with changing your loadout from which vehicle of destruction you will pilot to your army and army colors and other flair. up to now there are 3 game modes I know of so far for the game with plans to add more
Standard: the standard one is you build troops, give them orders and destroy the enemy base while preventing your own to be destroyed. you can capture outpost to give you more a advantage.
Capture the sphere: capture the flag mode. nuff said
survival: you and 4 people must defend your base against swarms of enemies.
The game so far I did enjoy. Classic gaming and it's very addicting
here is a link so far. the game also give you referral codes to tell your friends and what not.
currently you can play the game via it's own EXE or chrome
Edited by MikeMurdock, 19 August 2012 - 09:55 AM.