stun, on 04 February 2012 - 10:52 PM, said:
Maybe I shouldnt use the term FPS to discuss it then, if added complexity changes the definition of it. If there are features like what your describing with targeting adjusting to movement and range then great, you still have to move your reticle and click a button to fire, so im not really sure what you mean with "point and click". I'm all for more complexity added compared to previous mw titles, I just don't want skill quickslots so to speak for everything where all I have to do is click a button and depending on my XP points the mech does everything for me.
Got ya, I misinterpreted that post, so apologies on that one. The 'point and click' comment was in regards to the previous titles where you could fire as soon as your targeting reticle was over the enemy and have just about everything hit dead center, I should have clarified that a bit more.
In regards to the pilot "Skills", they're not skills that automatically kick in, they just unlock modules for purchase that can be equipped on your 'Mech in limited amounts depending on the chassis. From my understanding, that is the only use for pilot XP. Basically, if you can't hit the broadside of a barn yourself, no amount of pilot XP is going to change that, so I don't think you've got anything to worry about in that regard. Again, my apologies for the confusion, it actually sounds like you and I are on the same page.