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Going Walkabout

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#1 Trooper Thorn


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 04:19 PM


Going Walk about:
Part: 6

Tok Do, Draconis Combine:
Alshain weapons facility:

It was a slow soft rain that was falling; the mist and smoke from the still glowing embers from the blast-charred remains shifted in the light breeze and enveloped the factory complex, then crossed the valley and settled on the mountains like a halo. It had been three days since the attack upon the facility and the rampaging fires from stored POL and panther sub-assemblies had finally been brought under control. The factory manager, covered with soot and grime, had dark circles under his eyes from working with the fire crews trying to save the factory, “HIS factory," he had a dejected look upon his face as he plopped himself down on an untouched park bench. He removed his helmet and took off his goggles, pulling a handkerchief from his shirt pocket; he looked at the monogram upon it and sadly remembered that his father had given him this as a gift when he had been awarded the factory managership. His family had owned or run many factories since the time of ancient Japan and he was an honorable continuum in his family’s history -- at least until now. Even though he was lost in his thoughts he felt a strong presence behind him and to his left, and then something else, something guarded and closed; something with the sensation of death. This is something he had learned to perceive when he had gone through Keokashin martial arts training and then the mandatory conscription for the military of the Draconis Combine.

A man with a strong command voice spoke, tinged with sympathy, for the young manager of Alshain weapons facility, Panther division, “Plant Manager Honda, I presume?” Hideaki Honda stood, wiped his face with the handkerchief, then stuffed it into his pants pocket. He straightened himself up and did a perfect about face and looked straight into the face of the man talking, “Yes, sir,” came his reply. The man in an admiral’s uniform, bereft of all but the mandatory insignia, with the rank badge of Kaigun Taisho of the Draconis Combine’s Imperial Navy on his collar, reached forward with his right hand to shake hands. Hideaki grasped the man’s hand and made a proper formal bow and gave him a two handed shake saying, “Kaigun Taisho Yamaguchi, I am honored by your presence so quickly after the attack upon this facility. I only wish it could have been under better circumstances. I wish that I had the time to clean up and formally greet you as befits your rank and position.” Mamoru Yamaguchi returned the bow and withdrew his hand; he looked this young man over and appraised him as an honorable and trustworthy man of potential.

He turned and presented another man standing behind and to his right in a formal presentation, “Plant Manager Honda, this is my aide and lead investigator, Rikugun Taisha Tanaka.” Hideaki made a slight turn and gave a proper bow being formally returned by Rikugun Taisha Iwao Tanaka. “Gentlemen, please have a seat on our beautiful benches in this, our reflection garden,” said Hideaki as he made a sweeping gesture toward the unscathed garden. Both officers accepted the invitation and seated themselves facing Hideaki. Mamoru said to Hideaki, “Have a seat yourself, Plant Manager Honda, we have read the reports and watched the vids from the remains of our garrison here on Tok Do and you have behaved in an honorable and courageous manner, putting yourself at personal risk trying to save this production facility for the Coordinator and the greater Draconis Combine. There are no repercussions for yourself nor the employees of this facility.” Rikugun Taisha Tanaka then spoke with a very soft voice, although behind it you could almost hear the roar of a great valley waterfall, “Those whom we recognize as responsible in their failure of duty have already been dealt with.” This was the second presence Hideaki had felt, he drifted back and remembered that he had felt it once before when he had been in the presence of a young Nekanami officer that he had assisted during a Clan attack upon the Combine when he was in the military. Hideaki observed the officer closely and the man gave no outward appearance of recognition or any type of emotion, his countenance was as deep and calm as a reflecting pool here in the Alshain gardens.

Kaigun Taisho Yamaguchi looked at his aide and said, “Yes, quite, with ruthless efficiency," and he looked back at Hideaki and said, “A new garrison commander is burning his way planet ward at this moment, along with a Genosha unit under his command so that this facility will have proper protection.” Hideaki was stunned and struggled to control himself and formed the correct words in his mind as he spoke, “Kaigun Taisho, this is all that is left, why would the Coordinator dispatch our finest troops to protect rubble?” “We look for ways to repay men of honor whom we have a debt owed to, and since this facility was about to upgrade production of our newest Panther design with Clan weapons technology, our new Combine Omni Mech. The Coordinator has authorized all funds be made available to completely rebuild and enlarge this facility to meet the needs of the Draconis Combine,” Rikugun Taisha Tanaka replied.

Mamoru Yamaguchi added, subtly, “Indeed.” Hideaki’s mind was racing; he had just had all his wildest dreams granted. He had not only come out of this mess unscathed but had been given more responsibility and granted an opportunity of a lifetime, to completely rebuild the production facility for the new Panther Omni as director of the facility. This was a great honor and his family and ancestors would be proud of “little” Hideaki. However, he quickly curbed his enthusiasm to show proper respect to his betters. Mamoru stood and dusted himself off and adjusted his uniform and said, “I will leave you with Rikugun Taisha Tanaka for you to give him your oral report and observations about the attack. I invite you "Facility Coordinator" Honda, to my dropship command post for dinner tonight, it will be casual and just us three to discuss your personal report to Rikugun Taisha Tanaka, 20:00 hrs.” He turned and strode off to the awaiting staff car. Hideaki was almost beside himself, from ashes to glory, more responsibility and promotion by the Coordinator -- this would also entail a raise! At 38, he had risen higher than he had dared to dream -- he felt almost faint but controlled his emotions and he hoped his obvious glee would not show such that he would lose honor in the eyes of these two great men.

Iwao Tanaka stood watching Kaigun Taisho Yamaguchi depart then he gave a slight grin and put his hand out to Hideaki and bowed, Hideaki took his hand they shook hands as Iwao said, “I have been unable to thank you for saving my life until now, my debt of honor to you is repaid for you rushing to my side in battle when my Dragon was down with your damaged Vindicator. You heroically fought off the remaining elementals supported by two clan ullers until reinforcements arrived. Thank you; you have also made this assignment very easy due to your honorable actions during and following the attack here on Tok Do.” Hideaki blushed and said, “I was only doing my duty as I saw it.” “Yes, and for that I am still here to serve the Draconis Combine and our beloved Coordinator and have not brought dishonor to my family,” replied Iwao. “Oh by the way, when we are alone together you may call me Iwao,” Hideaki bowed and said; “My name is Hideaki.” “Very well,” said Iwao as he looked around and made an observation, “This garden and its surroundings are quite beautiful -- not a tree or plant out of place, nor a bridge broken, bench smashed or stone out of place, yet the factory complex is almost utterly destroyed. I also noticed on the way in not a single worker’s dwelling was disturbed. This is incredible, considering that this was an attack upon a military target with so little collateral damage.”

Hideaki replied, “Yes, I know, for an attack force using unmarked I.S. mechs and Word of Blake tactics not touching the populace or civilian owned property only bespeaks of great skill and honor.” Hideaki pointed at the structure supports and said, “Look at the blast points, large laser fire was exact causing the facility to be taken down with minimal effort. The commander of the unit allowed all of the employees to leave the facility before destroying it. I refused to leave and one of the unit’s infantry soldiers drug me out and tied me up and put me under the cherry tree over there. They then removed the one new omni panther unit that was on the production line along with all the completed final battlemech panther units.” Iwao quickly turned and asked, “You had started production on the new Omni Panthers?” “Yes, we had just started the change over when the attack happened and we had one unit partially completed,” replied Hideaki. Iwao asked how far along was the production? “We had not yet completed the cockpit with the new sensor arrays, nor had we mounted the new weapons since we were awaiting delivery from the suppliers for the omni weapons pods,” replied Hideaki. The unit was not far enough along for the untrained eye to notice a great difference between old and new units.” Iwao rubbed his chin and said, “Well this puts a new light on this matter, I must inform my superiors of this new wrinkle. I will leave you now Hideaki and will look forward to our dinner meeting tonight. I will, in the mean time, take a look at all of the known units of I.S. and Clan that operate in this manner and try to narrow down the candidates, till this evening.” Iwao quickly turned and strode off to the staff vehicle that was awaiting him.

Hideaki watched Iwao depart, it was running through his mind the sudden look of great concern and was it terror? No, this could not be, Nekenami warriors did not know fear, what or who could have possibly have caused the emotions that Hideaki saw cross Iwao’s face? Hideaki pondered this and the actions of the attackers, even though they were using WOB tactics they did not harm and treated with respect and honor all they come in contact with. Hideaki remembered the strong powerful voice of the commanding officer on the Hauptmann’s PA speaker as he ordered his soldiers to tie Hideaki up and move him under the tree………


#2 Trooper Thorn


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 04:20 PM

This is a teaser from Clan Blood Spirit's RP threads, I hope all will enjoy.

#3 Trooper Thorn


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Posted 27 May 2012 - 01:42 PM

I took a look at this and chose to go ahead and post the short story set up to part 6.

Going Walk About:
Part 1:

Personal log: Star Captain Trooper Thorn
Deep Recon Vessel CBSNV Blood Omen
September 12 3070

Progress report:

After completing the Medical transfer of the IlKhan Hor’ Samhito and treatment of injuries by Marcus and staff with successful medical repairs to all injuries, the now former IlKhan has been returned to his Clan, the Star Adders. After completing this mission, Khan Johns has assigned Jahz and the Crimson tigers to return to CBS space for planetary duties and training.

I and certain hand picked members of the Tigers, have been assigned to deep recon and Intel gathering. It was the Khans message that explained that due to my former posting and “particular” skills, that he was entrusting me and my people to this assignment. He even said of any warrior in the Clans this you are uniquely suited. My reply was, “Grem, with all this sweet talk, this must be a doozy of a mission.” He laughed and said, “Again the master of the understatement, I am sending via our private scrambled code the mission parameters. I leave it up to you how you accomplish your mission. I have sent the Blood Omen our deep recon ship and the upgraded broadsword drop ship Jamaica Merchant.

I expect to receive all pertinent Intel on the sectors assigned and if you get “creative,” any Intel about connected sectors and the parties within.” I replied, “As you command,” and signed off as Grem wished me good fortune and good hunting and sent the orders. I place my thumb on the biometrics scanner and my right eye in front of the eye scanner. It makes a satisfied beep and then I hear a soft female voice stating ID verified voice recognition code please. I speak my password then hear Voice ID match, Message from Khan Johns eyes only. I press my key pad and the message scrolls to life before me on the vid screen.

I quickly read the mission parameters, laugh, then mumble, “Indeed a doozy.” I hit erase, contact Jahz, and informed him about the Khan’s orders for he and the Tigers to return to the York system and that he had assigned me a bit of a walk about. Jahz only raised his right eyebrow and grimly said, “A walk about eh? I cannot go with you?” I replied, “Neg, The Khan was specific in his orders that you come back. I will be taking Scrapper, Jessie and two techs.” Jahz grumbled, “Who the hell is going to take care of my mech?” I replied, “Jessie’s number one tech that works on your mech now will remain, Senior Tech Larry.” “I will be transferring as soon as my ride gets here in 3 hours. I do not know when I shall return, however, I will bring some souvenirs for everyone when I get back,” I state. In the meantime, I expect you to ready for the Trail for Bloodright. I expect no less than total success from you Jahz.” Jahz grudgingly grins and replies, “Yea good fortune and good hunting to you also.”

That was a month and a half ago, I have received update messages and Jahz has made it to the finals against Gal Com Zechs both vying for a Blood Name. Zech’s is not a push over so Jahz has his hands full. I am looking forward to the next update transmission to find out the outcome. Everyone aboard the Blood Omen and the attached Dropship Jamaica Merchant are jazzed about the mission now that we have reached the jumping off point, I have disclosed to the entire team the outline of our mission. Yes, we are going to be away from our friends and families for a while but it will be both worthwhile to our Clan and perhaps to the Clans as a whole, it will also bring Honor and Glory to the Tigers. I sit here and laugh to myself thinking how much leeway Grem has given me, I did promised him that particular gift he requested in his message.

I end the log and encrypt it as always and just in time, I hear a banging at my hatch I hit the door release and speak into the com, “Enter,” I say. I watch Jesse and Scrapper enter my office and they march up to my desk, salute, and stand at attention. I say, “At ease and have a seat, what is up with all the formalities?” Scrapper replies, “We have everything upgraded and ready what is our first mission?” I laugh and reply, "Let us get there first," I call the helm and navigation officer and give him the first set of coordinates for our jump, I tell him stealth engage and Jump. I lean back in my chair and steeple my fingers as the jump klaxon sounds and the verbal warning, “ALL HANDS PREPARE FOR JUMP, REPEAT, ALL HANDS PREPARE FOR JUMP!” Then comes the blurring and then the twist back to normal, I have a beep on the com. “This is the captain, we have arrived at the coordinates awaiting second set Sir!” I hit send for the second set then the klaxon and warning and we jump again. “We are at second jump point sir no activity in the area unfurling sails for recharge.”

I say, well done Captain, have the maintenance crews check all systems and then start painting the Jamaica Merchant to the color patterns I am sending.” I look at Jesse and hand him a noteputor and say. “Well Jessie, I know you like the Tiger’s colors, however, I need you to paint the Hauptman and the Cyclops we brought along these colors.” Jessie looks at the noteputor, whistles loudly, and states, “Holy Crap Boss, You have to be kidding me.” I reply with a sly grin and reply, “Our first stop Jesse, if all goes well our gateway to the rest of the mission.” Scrapper leans over to read what is on the noteputor and gasps, “I always knew that since uh, meeting you, that our assignments would be interesting.” I laugh and reply, “You have no idea how interesting.”


Going Walk About:
Part 2:

Star Captain Trooper Thorn's office:
Deep Recon Vessel CBSNV Blood Omen:

Trooper stoods at the view port and looked out into the dark recesses of Innersphere space admiring the twinkling jewels of the cosmos, reflecting back upon the last few months of Intel gathering for Khan Gremlich Johns. He was looking forward to getting back to Clan space after his next mission which will complete this little walk about. The entry buzzer sounds in his office and he says, “Enter,” the hatch slid open and the Naval Comm tech entered and snaped to attention, saluting, then reports, “Sir, the scheduled comm traffic from the Khan has arrived, we are still maintaining comms silence as ordered.” Trooper sighs then turns, “Very well, Tech Bradbury.” The tech hands the commpad to Trooper and steps back and again salutes, Trooper returns the salute and says, “dismissed, return to your duties,” to which the relieved tech replies, “Aye, aye, Sir.”

As the Tech leaves the office, he thinks to himself, (This Star Captain is an unusual sort of Warrior, treating all subordinates with respect and honor, quite unlike the normal treatment that the techs normally receive at the hands of the Warrior class. It has been an honor to be assigned to this mission and this Clan Blood Spirit officer assigned by the Khan, I have been part of the CBS Clan Watch team under Khan Gremlich Johns since I graduated from training and I thought I would never have felt such loyalty and respect for an officer other than the Khan. I wondered why the Khan would give a Star Captain such a mission and leeway even though who he was before he came to CBS. Even though I am firmly entrenched in the “Old Guard faction” and fully support the Loremaster and his trying to hold on to the “Tried and True ways” of the Blood Spirits, this Officer has proven to be a breath of fresh air and strength for our Clan and its Commission by Kerensky. I just hope that he will choose me to remain with the Tigers after our return home.)

Tech Bradbury began to whistle a little tune he had heard Trooper singing one night at a unit party after the completion of the first mission when everyone was celebrating and he had brought out some of his now famous Irish whiskey. Strangely he had quite a good singing voice, much to the surprise of all - he could sing a wide range from Tenor to Bass even though at times he would revert to what he called Gaelic, a strange language from ancient Terra, a place called Ireland, Tech Bradbury returned to the comms shack and started in on his little project requested by Trooper Thorn.


Trooper sat down at his desk and put the commpad in the dock that links to his computer. Trooper leans back and placed his head against the leather head rest on his chair and closed his eyes, then as habit, steepled his fingers waiting for the computer to duplicate, encrypt, decode and erase all information from the commpad, eradicating all that had been on it. The process was so thorough, no one would ever know that this commpad had ever been used. A soft chime, then a soft feminine voice announced, "Process complete, message available after biometric confirmation." Trooper leaned forward, looked into the eye scanner, placed his thumb and forefinger on the scanner pad and spoke the passphrase, “Many a mystery shall come to light with intense scrutiny.” The soft voice replied, “ID verified, message open, have a great day, my love.” Trooper smiled sadly as he started to read the message - the voice recording and a picture in a locket was all he had left of his lost love from Innesprie. The Khan had sent all the current info on what was going on with the Clan, Zechs had won his Blood Name against Jahz. Trooper sadly thought, (I warned him, but his ego probably overloaded his skill, we saw that with his tussle with Sparkie. However, he will get his chance again, I will see to that.)

A set of fitness reports from Staci, suggestions, reminder about promised items of Isorla, current negotiations and new alliances, “Hmm, quite a bit has happened since I have been gone,” Trooper said aloud. He grined as Grem related how well Sarah has been doing working with K and Sparkie getting the new designs tested and online. Trooper smiled to himself thinking about the three items for Grem sitting in the cargo hold that he and his “family had liberated from the dusty old museums on Terra that the stupid Wobbies had closed to all but Word of Blake researchers due to what is they called it? Oh yes, Heresy, Trooper laughed out loud at the thought of Clan Blood Spirit warriors and techs taking the Wobbie toys out from under their noses. He finished reading the message and added it to his personal log for Khan Review upon return, then closed out the computer and then spoke into his comm unit, “Captain Hodges and Master Tech Jessie, please come to my office and Jessie, bring Scrapper with you for a mission briefing in 10 mics.” Trooper heard an “Aye, Aye,” from Captain Hodges and a “Right away Sir,” from Jessie, “Wilco, we are on our way.”

Trooper thought to himself, (It is a fine season where we are going next, New Avalon was quite beautiful three weeks ago, but oh, how time flies when you're having fun.) Trooper just had to laugh about the abandoned Flea they had lassoed in CSA captured space that had become a navigation problem for all space traffic in that system as this mission was on the way inward. He had had Jesse paint it with the Clan Star Adder paint scheme for Clan Star Adder’s 18th Armored Cavalry and had placed in the cockpit in a black box casing with an enclosed note stating, “With my compliments, Nova Captain Kiriko.” Trooper had had dealings with Nova Captain Kiriko and knew that this would have had her on the floor rolling with laughter, maybe someday when they meet again he would tell her that when they reached Tharkad, they had unceremoniously dropped it dead center on the Archon’s palace. They had flown out to a pirate point all the time cloaked and gathering elint and comms traffic as the system went on full alert, then jumping out when they had all the data the Khan had requested.

His buzzer alerted him that his “crew” was at the door, he spoke into the comm, "Enter," and Captain Hodges, Jesse and Scrapper came in and stood at attention, Trooper Said, “At Ease, have a seat, this will take about 2 hours then we will have dinner here in my office."


Edited by Trooper Thorn, 27 May 2012 - 01:40 PM.

#4 Trooper Thorn


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Posted 28 May 2012 - 02:58 AM

Going Walk About:
Part 3:

Jamaica Merchant’s Bridge:

Trooper Thorn strode to the bridge with an air of purpose without worry or sense of urgency. “Captain, once we dock with the Blood Omen, send the signal to jump to the extraction point,” he ordered in his command voice. Captain Fletcher replied, “Aye Sir, on final approach now, stealth coordinating computers give verified lock.” The soft bump and then the sound of the docking clamps ring through the ship with a thud and the ship's engines powering down. “Signal sent, sir." then the jump klaxon sound and the “All hands prepare for jump, repeat, all hand prepare for jump!” Normal sense of time and balance seem to twist as the joined ships jump, then return into normal space only to jump again. Space folded back into normal space and time as all aboard the two ships recover their space legs after the jump.

The combat klaxon sounds, Trooper orders, “All hands ready at battle stations! Until we meet with our welcoming committee, of course.” Trooper barely had time to get to the bridge of the Blood Omen when an IFF recognition signal was received. It was then the gravely voice of saKhan Jahziel was heard, “CBSNV Blood Omen, we have confirmation of your IFF and no one seems to be following you, we are at your disposal for escort back to home space.” As he finished, the CBSNV Battle Cruiser Blood Vengeance shimmers into view along with two stars of Sabutai Fighters -- all painted in the Crimson Tiger’s colors. The fighters perform a quick flyby and then take up station keeping as the Blood Omen extended its solar sails.


I stood in my shorts and cooling vest with arms crossed, a stogie in my mouth and a towel around my neck as I wipe the sweat from my brow. I suddenly realized that I feel the chill of the ships air-recycling system. Looking at the monitor in front of me, I laugh as Jahz’s dour visage presents itself. Over his shoulder is Captain Morgan on the left and Staci on his right -- all with a look of concern and anticipation. “Jahz, Staci, Henry you are all a sight for sore eyes, how the hell have you been doing?” Jahz stands stiffly and rubs his chin, “Well, Troop, looks like you have been busy, so much so in fact you have not even taken time to change into uniform,” he growls. I reply, “Oh, you know me, I cannot go anywhere without creating hate and discontent amongst our adversaries,” I give him my wickedest grin and add “Me Boyo!”

Jahz, Staci and Captain Morgan all burst into laughter, Staci interjects, “It has been very boring without you being around - just the normal humdrum of riding herd on the saKhan and the typical day to day goings.” Jahz gives a slight grimace as Henry rolls his eyes, coughs and turns to walk away. I say, “Nothing from you, Henry, or do you not want to try to get some of your money back in a poker game?” Henry turns and replies, “Star Captain Thorn, I have given that endeavor up for lent, you have taken my money far too many times, it is far safer", as he shakes his head from side to side, "and more profitable to play Russian roulette with five shots in the drum”. We all laugh and I continue, “On the serious side, it is good to see you,” I look at the ship’s chronometer and say, “How about we do a preliminary mission debrief in about an hour, that will give us time to get cleaned up and transferred over to Blood Vengeance. We shall have dinner in my office aboard, I will be bringing Jessie and Scrapper along. Wile I am thinking about it, I request a unit recommendation posted for all members on this mission along with the proper decorations and entries in their codeces. There are a couple of separate recognitions for duty above and beyond and I will include them in the written reports I will be sending to the Khan and yourself, Jahz, along with the appropriate copies to the Loremaster and Oathmaster.”

Jahz whistles softly and replies, “Mission must have been interesting. I wish I could have been along for the ride but I had other things to attend to. We will see you in an hour.” The monitor goes back to an external ship's view and as I turn Jessie and Scrapper are standing waiting for me to finish. They salute. I return the honor and say, “Report” Scrapper starts, "Sir the mechs are in fair condition, everyone got back aboard, no losses just a few minor scrapes and scratches. The recovered mechs are aboard along complete with tech manuals and other assorted and sundry Isorla.” Jessie adds, “Sir, I will have all the mechs and equipment back up to standard in 48 hours and all equipment painted to Crimson Tiger’s colors -- including the Isorla mechs and equipment.” I state, “Well done, go ahead and get cleaned up - we have a dinner engagement in an hour."

I look at Scrapper and say, "You will be on your best behavior with Jahz tonight. Staci will take a dim view of any sass from you about the saKhan.” Scrapper grins and retorts, “I will try I promise,” she holds up her right hand and makes the hand sign of making an oath. I roll my eyes and say, “Yea, Yea, I have heard that before, I have taken a real shine to you, my young lass and I would hate to attend your funeral. it is difficult to replace a good right hand.” She grins and both she and Jessie turn and head towards their quarters.

Captain Hodges, standing behind me, observes, “Quite a handful that one is.” I reply, “Yes, she is. That my dear Captain Hodges is the understatement for all the ages.” I turn, grin then say, “Captain, please have all your reports and personnel recommendations ready by 0800 hrs York II time. We have a lot to do before we return to the York sector; I know all your people are looking forward to getting back home and taking shore leave.” He salutes me and replies, “Aye, Aye, Sir, It will be done.” I turn and start the walk to the Command quarters to get cleaned up for the meeting later. I take a puff on the Cuban Cigar I liberated during our sojourn on Terra, I think to myself, "what a waste on the Wobbies," as I start to unbuckle the cooling vest that is now sticking to my chest with dried sweat.

I enter my quarters, shut and lock the hatch, then discard the vest, take off my boots and walk to the cooler and grab a bottle of blood orange juice, making short work of it, then strip off for a nice hot shower, I muse to myself, "another day another grand adventure". Just wait till Jahz and Staci see the battle roms and get the debrief.

Edited by Trooper Thorn, 28 May 2012 - 10:41 PM.

#5 Trooper Thorn


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Posted 28 May 2012 - 03:05 AM

Going Walk About:
Part 4:

CBSNV Jamaica Merchant:

Trooper stoods on an equipment case in the main cargo bay of the Merchant - assembled before him are the techs and off-duty crews of the Merchant and Blood Omen - his short speech was being broadcast to both ships so all crew members will hear his words.


“Fellow Blood Spirits, we have completed the mission that the Khan honored us with. Khan Gremlich, saKhan Jahziel and I congratulate you on a job well done. It has been an honor to have been your commanding officer during this mission; you have far exceeded all duties asked of you and I myself am proud of each and every one of you. In the coming weeks, those of you that have requested transfer to the Tigers after codex review and interviews will receive reassignment orders. As for those who have chosen to remain in their postings, you have my gratitude and respect for not only a job well done, but also my humble thanks for your support and efforts during this mission, without which it would have been far more difficult to complete. I have requested that appropriate commendations be awarded and placed in the codices of all involved in this mission and the presentation of appropriate decorations that have been earned, including a Khan’s unit citation, for all involved. I thank you -- good fortune and good hunting. That is all.”


Both ships rang with loud cheers and Huzzahs" for the Star Captain as Trooper stepped down from the equipment case. Trooper’s face flushed a bit in genuine embarrassment --despite all that he had done over the years and the positions that he has held. Deeply buried beneath the tuff grizzled exterior was a humble man of great honor and dignity, something that shines through by his actions not words. Trooper raised his hand and waved at the assembled crowd as he turned to head for the docking and cargo transfer hatch with Jessie and Scrapper in tow.


I am having trouble stifling my deep emotions over this display by the crews of my now former command, so I try to focus on the return to duty as executive officer of the Tigers and all that I must complete before we return to York II. Jessie speaks up, “Sir, I have the duty assignments for the techs and load crews to start transfer of all equipment and mechs to the Blood Vengeance from the Blood Omen as soon as we dock and it will take about 8 shuttle trips to complete the transfer cycle.” I reply, "Good work Jessie,” I then turn to Scrapper who is now my second and say, “Scrapper, I want you to schedule the transfer interviews and codex searches along with all the requisite paperwork to intake the new Tiger inductees. I also want you to schedule training and equipment allotments and upgrades through Staci. The two of you will be working closely together to keep Jahz and me on track and the Tigers up to snuff.” She replies, “Aff, Sir.” “This is why I do not want you to run afoul of Staci.” Scrapper nodded her head. I turn back to Jessie, “Give Scrapper all of your equipment and ordnance needs lists to bring us back up to standards and transfer the captured Panthers with related equipment and manuals to the Vengeance. Divide the isorla in half for us to keep some for combat eval with the remainder to be sent back to the scientific boys and girls for disassembly and study, Alshain Weapons will have a hard time getting back into business after our little raid.” Both Jessie and Scrapper grined and say in chorus, “If ever.”

We stop and stand at the hatch as the loud ring of the docking clamps lock into place then the sound of hissing as the hatch equalizes pressure. Standing on the other side of the now open hatch is an Honor Guard of Crimson Tigers Elemental Star Marines in dress uniform holding The CBS flag and the Crimson Tigers standard with battle pennants. At the end of the honor guard stand Jahz, Staci and Captain Morgan as I step through with Jessie and Scrapper trailing. I hear the Bosun’s pipes sound and the Star Marines snap to attention, “saKhan and Crimson Tiger’s Executive Officer boarding,” is shouted. We march up to Jahz, halt, snap to attention and salute. Jahz, Staci and Henry return the honor, then Jahz, with a wide smile upon his face sayss, “Welcome back aboard and home Star Captain Thorn, you do look not any worse for the wear my exec.” I grin and reach to shake his hand and state, “Aff, my saKhan and you look well also.” Jahz laughs and quips, “Now that the pleasantries have been observed let us retire to your office and quarters to have dinner. We await for you to recount, what is it you call it, oh yes, "tales of daring do and high adventure".” Jahz then shouts, “Honor guard, ATTENTION! - Dismissed!” We all turn to head for the ship’s lift to take us to my quarters. Jahz and I catching up upon what has transpired during our absence, I glance over my shoulder and see Scrapper and Staci laughing and shaking their heads. It looks like they have hit it off, hmm; I think Jahz and I are in trouble. Jesse and Captain Morgan seem to be involved in their own conversation. We all arrive at the lift and get on board. I state, “Deck 2a section 4.” With a slight bump we are on our way.

The lift arrives at the deck and the doors slide open with a slight "shush"; we turn right and walk the three entrances to my office and quarters. I open the door and look in say out loud, “Ahh, home sweet home,” I step aside and gesture for the assembled group to enter. I then follow, shutting the hatch behind me. In the center of the room sits a table all adorned and set as it had been for our last dinner when the Khan and Loremaster had been present. I think back to what a night that had been and I sigh softly, remembering the revelations that had been made. Staci noticed my wistful look and said, “Troop, are you ok? You look as if something is bothering you.” I smile sadly then reply, “Neg, Staci, all is well, just remembering the last time we were here together for a dinner meeting.” She smiles with an understanding look and places her hand on my shoulder and softly speaks, “It is good to have you back with us, you have been sorely missed and it seems that life is not as fun as when you are around.” Jahz steps up and puts his hand on my other shoulder and states, “That is the truth, I have really missed our drinking parties.” We all smile and I say, “Well then, let us be seated and partake in some drinks and dinner and I will recount some "daring do and high adventures" for your consideration.

Edited by Trooper Thorn, 28 May 2012 - 03:09 AM.

#6 Trooper Thorn


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Posted 28 May 2012 - 11:01 PM

part 5:

CBSNV Battle Cruiser Blood Vengeance.
Command Brief/Debrief holo tank:
08:30 Hrs, York II time.

Last night’s soirée had indeed been pleasant; all involved focused upon catching up on the news. This is something we had been woefully lacking due to the mission being on transmission silence. We discussed the current situations facing our Clan and I had given a basic outline covering the mission just completed. Staci and Scrapper were hitting it off well and were telling each other their own war stories about Jahz and myself. Jahz and I gave each other knowing looks as I made the comment, “Jahz you and I are in trouble now!” We all laughed and toasted each other and Khan Gremlich along with a toast for good fortune and good hunting for all of our Clan and the Crimson Tigers in particular. We ended our party early due to having a full debrief in the morning and we all needed the rest.

Looking across the tank I could see that Jahz was in tears, holding his sides with laughter as well as Staci and Henry, Scrapper and Jesse both had amused looks upon their faces as we replayed the satellite video of us dropping the flea upon the Archon’s palace on Tharkad. It was a beautiful picture of the palace, then suddenly the flea appearing out of nowhere and dropping in a graceful arc just left of dead center of the palace. I said in a calm voice, “As you see here we gifted the Archon with a wee present, it hit directly on the main lavatory, and I thought that this target was most appropriate to give them back their crappy mech, with compliments from Star Adder Nova Captain Kiriko.”

Jahz wiped his eyes with the heels of his hands struggling to catch his breath then asked, “Why did you do that?” I replied, “I had uncovered that it was under the Archon’s direct orders that facilitated the attack upon Hor ‘Samhito.’ He supported the operation through his Intel service to assist the Nekenami, that way he would have plausible deniability.” Jahz gritted his teeth and growled; “Now I understand your hatred of the Lyran Alliance.” I replied, “I intend to send Nova Captain Kiriko a copy of this video and the Intel that I gathered concerning the attack on Hor. We can use this to point the Star Adders in the right direction and considering that they are a much larger Clan with greater resources, it will skin two cats with one knife. Perhaps from what you have been telling me about our recent change in diplomatic status, perhaps this could reingraciate us with Clan Star Adder.”

I watched as an evil grin spread across Jahz’s face which would scare the wits out of the ancient Irish mythological beast the Banshees. Jahz laughed and commented, “I knew that I had to have received that twisted sense of humor from someplace.” I straightened myself up and put my fist to my mouth and cleared my throat and replied, “Yes, however, I tend to be more devious in its use, you my dear saKhan tend toward the diabolically destructive in its application.” Jahz bellowed out laughing, made a sweeping bow and replied, “Guilty as charged!” All in the room either laughed out loud or just gave a nervous laugh. “Now to continue, with your permission,” Jahz nodded his head as he tried again to clear his eyes from his tears of laughter. I continued the debrief covering the overall objectives. I was about to cover the next mission when a hatch buzzer was heard, I switched to open mic and replied, “We are in de-brief this had better be important.” “Aye Sir, I have a direct communiqué from the Khan himself sir, it is eyes only for the saKhan and yourself sir.” I pressed the release for the hatch which also automatically shuts down the holo tank and brings the lights back up. The Comms tech entered and came straight to Jahz and I, he saluted then handed the comm pad to me since Jahz was still trying to compose himself. I took the comm pad and put my thumb on the ID verifier it made the standard beep I read the intro and I placed the pad against my chest then said, “Everyone dismissed with the exception of Jahz, Captain Morgan, Staci and Scrapper. We will have to delay this debrief until further notice.”

Jahz grabs a towel on the side board and then grabs his cup and fills it with some coffee takes a bear claw then sits down in his chair as the room clears. His actions are mimicked by the command staff. When the last person leaves, I say, “Shut the hatch behind you please,” when this is done I press the button to lock the hatch and turn back on the white noise generators and anti spying equipment. Jahz sets down his cup leans back in his chair with a mouthful of bear claw and mumbles, “Now what?” I see Staci cutting him a sideways glance and trying to mumble under her breath something about proper etiquette and not talking with your mouth full. I grin and say, “Well gang it looks like Khan Gremlich has a little diplomatic project for us to be involved in, Captain Morgan if you would please set immediate course for these coordinates. I write the coordinates on a scratch paper and hand it to Captain Morgan he raises his personal comm unit and orders, “Bridge, I am sending new coordinates. Watch officer helm, are we finished recharge?” “Aye Sir, just folding sails now and all fighters are ready for recovery,” is the reply. “Very well, order immediate recovery, standard unit formation, stealth on and jump when ready.” “Aye, Aye Sir,” Henry shuts the comm down puts the scratch paper down the incinerator chute then gives a pleased look to all.

I grin then say, “I see you are keeping all hands up to standard.” Henry nods his head, I turn to all and say, “We will meet our beloved Khan at the set coordinates then he will give us the command briefing as to what he intends for our brave little command.” Jahz rolls his eyes and gripes, “Oh hell, not another parade in a shiny mech at full dress.” I reply, “Well with the coordinates that we have been given, this will delay our homecoming about 2 weeks if all goes well, if not you may get to add some kill markers to that overstuffed toy of yours.” I watched as an evil smirk spread across his face and he quipped, “And just where is it we might be going?” I punched in the coordinates and brought up the interstellar map, I focused and enlarged, pointing, “This being our meeting point I would say we are going to have a meeting with these folks here.” Jahz grimaced and said, “Well I certainly hope we fare better than our illustrious Loremaster, I received reports he lost his favorite mech to those as you call them, folks.” I raised an eyebrow with a quizzical look and said, “His Blood Kite?” “Aff,” Jahz replied. “It seems he allowed his unit to be caught by surprise in an L shaped ambush. I mumbled, “Damn Ryu, overloading your butt with your ego again, just like the last time when we lost him in Lyran space.” Everyone looked at me with a surprised look except Jahz. I ask, “Is he and his people ok?” Jahz replies, “Aff, just a bit embarrassed, they were allowed to return to our drops ships, sans the equipment of course.” "Hmm,” I state, “This just may be an interesting development, I will pull up all pertinent files on the leader of these folks so we will have a frame of reference as to what we will run into.” Just as I finish speaking the jump Klaxon sounds and the familiar announcement “All hands prepare for jump, All hands prepare for jump…………

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